How to copy WMS setting from one OruxMapGP to another

Started by wirring, October 14, 2019, 04:29:32 PM

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I have on my tablet entered information for 10 WMS maps from the Danish Mapping Authority, covering new and old topographic map of Denmark and The Faroe Islands.

But how do I transfer all these setting to my mobile phone without having to enter all that stuff once again.

Secondly if it is possible to get the setting out in som readable file (xml or ascii) I would be able to post the settings here on the forum and explain how to get a free account from the Danish Mapping Authority



Before anyone ask: "Why didn't he entered the informations via the wms_services.xml file" I can tell that i indeed tried to do that but that did not work !!

Why I really don't know, but i guess it had something to do with private key that have to be to the wms-call. One needs to get a free account at the Danish Mapping Authority, and through that account generate  an unique private key.


Sorry, but I can't resist bumping this thread. Something I have wondering about for along time. Also for WMTS maps.