Mapsforge standard theme rendering issue

Started by Fritzle, February 03, 2020, 08:23:03 PM

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When rendering with Mapsforge standard theme, there is a different and strange behaviour between v7.4.22 and v7.5.9beta28:

1a) pedestrian areas get fine hatched by v7.4.22
1b) pedestrian areas get fat filled black by v7.5.9beta28
2a) more POIs get shown by v7.4.22 (e.g. public toilets)
2b) less POIs get shown by v7.5.9beta28

See attached screenshots located at Stuttgart main station with map recently downloaded from

Maybe, I was not able to find appropriate switches to achieve same look and feel in beta version.


If I download the map, with the default mapsforge theme, I can see the same:

What do you mean with Mapsforge standard theme?



Attachment shows what I mean with "Mapsforge standard theme", i.e german "Mapsforge-Standardthema" translated to english.

When first locating map position in v7.4.22 and afterwards starting v7.5.9beta28 and navigating there to same location, I too see identical map contents. It seems that it is because the map tile is still cached and beta version displays cached tile. But after refreshing map segments in v7.5.9beta28, identically displayed map tile becomes rendered differently with pedestrian areas filled black as previously reported, public toilet POIs disappear and restaurants get shown by name and no longer by symbol "spoon & fork". When starting v7.4.22 later again, I also see pedestrian areas filled black as long as I do not refesh refresh map segments.

By the way, themes Elements and Elevate render correctly independent of zooming level. Osmarender theme shows pedestrian areas filled black too, when zooming in deep enough.


Great, issue no longer reproducible with v7.5.9beta29
Thank you.


Fat black filled pedestrian areas are back in v7.5.9beta43. (See item 1b in initial post)