Create a WPTs layer crowd sourced

Started by brasjorge, August 29, 2020, 11:22:24 AM

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I've been using oruxmaps for many years mostly for hiking / backpacking.
Hiked long trails (PCT, HRP, etc)
The biggest challenge is always to get good info about water and bivouac sites.
The app guthook in the USA solved that problem by offering a crowd sourced database of waypoints (water, tent sites, etc).
Could oruxmaps team think of an easy way to create a sort of "Waze" for hiking?
WPTs must be open for comments (example: water source is dry, or campsite is infested by raccoons that will rip your tent open to get to your food bag - both have happened to me!)
The database/ layer should be downloadable but available offline. Comments on the WPTs must be available offline, added / edited offline, and sync when online.
I used a kml layer built by a hiker during my HRP hike. Very useful but not dynamic like crowd sourced data! I have hundreds of WPTs (taken along HRP, water, tent sites mostly) that I would love to share and open for comments.
This would make oruxmaps the ultimate tool for backpacking, anywhere.