Zone de promenade (Walk area)

Started by Guy85, November 03, 2020, 09:32:58 AM

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À cause de confinement, comme nous n'avons le droit de se promener que sur ne surface de 1km de rayon.

Je me posais la question:
Est-il possible de faire apparaître sur la carte (à partir du point de départ) une zone de 1km de rayon ?

Merci de votre aide

Because of confinement, as we are only allowed to walk on a surface of 1km radius.

I was asking myself:
Is it possible to show on the map (from the starting point) an area of 1km radius?

Thank you for your help


you could go (while having your home in the map centre) to

"Maptools"-> Overlay options->Draw overlay.
Then you see at the bottom a blue circle symbol. And draw a shape with r=1km.

Edit: you may even tweak that overlay,you just have created, and set it as "Geofence".
Depending on the "Geofence and exclusion zone" settings, you would even hear an alarm, if you leave that area (i have not tried that myself)

stay healthy!


Désolé, mais je n'y arrive pas :(
J'ai fait "cartes" puis "Paramètres de superposition KLM"
Après je ne sais pas

Sorry, but I can't do it :(
I made "maps" then "KLM overlay settings"
After, I do not know


you looked in the  settings of "maps", wrong.

Look at "Map tools", there is the "Draw Overlay".
(while writing this, i notice that my OruxMaps is now at v.8.1.1 GP, and now instead of the blue circle, there is that symbol "circle/square/triangle")


Je vois bien "Outils cartes" mais je ne vois pas "Draw Overlay" ?

I can see "map tools" but I don't see "Draw Overlay" ?


oh sorry, just 2 items above your "Outils carte..." it reads "Options de...".
Go there.




QuoteEdit: you may even tweak that overlay,you just have created, and set it as "Geofence".
Depending on the "Geofence and exclusion zone" settings, you would even hear an alarm, if you leave that area (i have not tried that myself)

Comment je peux faire ça ?
How can I do that?



Une fois la couche créée elle est sauvée comme une trace. Dans 'Gérer traces/routes' vous devez la charger comme une couche, une option apparaît alors ou vous avez le choix entre zone d'exclusion (on ne peut pas y enter) ou barrière virtuelle (on n'y peut pas sortir)

Once the overlay has been created it is saved as a track. From 'Manage tracks/routes' you must load it as an overlay, an option will appear asking you to choose between an exclusion zone (you can not enter it) or a virtual fence (you can not leave it)


D'accord, je vais essayer pour voir si ça fonctionne.
Impeccable, ça fonctionne !!!

Quand on charge une route, j'ai des icônes avec des chiffres, je suppose que c'est les kms.
Comment peut-on les enlevés?

Alright I'll try to see if it works
When loading a route, I have icons with numbers, I guess it's kms.
How can we remove them?


Hello Guy85,

Global settings - User interface - Tracks/Routes/Lines/Letter sizes,... - Draw distance indicator