Auto GPX creation and track properties

Started by drfie, April 19, 2016, 02:01:14 PM

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I would like to have my GPX tracks re-saved (re-exported, re-created) after I edit its properties, if using Auto creation.

My use case is that I use GPX format for backup of the tracks. After I finish a track, the track is correctly saved in GPX format, but then I edit its properties (like description, activity type, etc) and then I have to manually export the tracks to have the new properties included, it is not done automatically. I use an app to automatically synchronize OruxMaps track folder with a folder on my GoogleDrive.

I think Auto KML creation should work in the same way, but I have not tried it.

I am not sure, if it is not rather a bug, but the description of the Auto GPX creation option says, the track is saved after it is finished, so probably not.


And I have just noticed one more thing. I would like to autosave (auto gpx create) any track I import.


And one more thing. It would be great to be able to export the files with their original data/time (taken from the last time recorded in the track). I could then sort them in any file manager easily by date even if the date is not the first part of their names.