Incorrect "Beats per minute (%)" display

Started by Speeder, April 18, 2021, 05:04:47 PM

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I'm using OruxMaps 8.1.7GP. I'd like to report an issue that I've been having. I've selected the "Beats per minute (%)" to show up on the live data display overlay as one of the data to be shown. Unfortunately, the value it displays seems incorrect - very low. With a maximum heart rate of 200 under the account settings, a BPM of 100+ shows as well under 50%.

Not connected to the issue, but I would like to note them:
* This data output requires the resting BPM to be configured in the user account settings, while it should not be used in its calculation really, since the standard is the %-age of maximum only.
* The control shows the pulse zones (Z0, Z1, Z2, etc...), which is awesome to have, but it would be a nice feature if the zones were configurable.

Thank you to the developer(s) for their work on OruxMaps, a truly wonderful piece of software! Best regards


Quote from: Speeder on April 18, 2021, 05:04:47 PM

I'm using OruxMaps 8.1.7GP. I'd like to report an issue that I've been having. I've selected the "Beats per minute (%)" to show up on the live data display overlay as one of the data to be shown. Unfortunately, the value it displays seems incorrect - very low. With a maximum heart rate of 200 under the account settings, a BPM of 100+ shows as well under 50%.

Not connected to the issue, but I would like to note them:
* This data output requires the resting BPM to be configured in the user account settings, while it should not be used in its calculation really, since the standard is the %-age of maximum only.
* The control shows the pulse zones (Z0, Z1, Z2, etc...), which is awesome to have, but it would be a nice feature if the zones were configurable.

Thank you to the developer(s) for their work on OruxMaps, a truly wonderful piece of software! Best regards

The app uses the Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) for % calculations.
QuoteWhy use Percentage Heart Rate Reserve?
Using %HRR is better than a percentage of HRmax, as it reflects the relative intensity more accurately. For example, if two athletes both have a HRmax of 180, but one has a HRrest of 40 and the other 70, at a HR of 140 they would both have the same %HRmax, but one is at 64 %HRR and the other is at 71 %HRR.

The Z0, Z1,... are the Karvonen Zones. Already defined values.

But you are right; I think I am going to add the option to select the % over the maximum or the reserve. And add the option to change the Work zones, different than the Karvonen Zones.
