Google Drive Integration

Started by twoten, March 08, 2022, 01:05:30 PM

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I have just discovered Google Drive listed in integration. Can someone explain, where it states 'backup' Will this only backup the tracks to the drive or will it sync any new tracks or modified tracks to the Oruxmaps folder?
The hours of backup defaults to '0'. Does this require a specific hour or if set to '0' will it backup on change or is a set time necessary?

For now I have installed FolderSync on my phone a and set it to sync the Maps folder and Map Styles folder. I can force a sync at any time or set to specific times which seems to work quite well. HAs anyone found a better way to achieve this?  Will syncing of additional folders be introduced in Oruxmaps in the future?


The Google Drive integration copy all the content of the tracklog folder.

The database of the tracks (oruxmapstracks.db) is renamed adding the date of the backup.

It is one-way only: from oruxmaps to google drive.

'0' means that the backup is performed at 00:00 AM

I use foldersync as well and works perfectly.


Thanks Haldo,
So I'm guessing I can use FolderSync for maintaining the maps, tracks and maps styles as I have been and then backup with the Oruxmaps system in case anything gets deleted by mistake.


well that depends on what you have in the oruxmaps folders....

maps, mapstyles and dem files that I got, I can download it again easily.. so I'm not backing up them. (plus maps files are huge!!)

I backup onlinemapsource.xml that I have edited for my purpose, preferences, and another folder with the gpx files i use as routes.