OruxMaps changed how it displays on the lock screen

Started by dm413-om, September 30, 2021, 09:03:36 PM

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My phone recently updated itself to version 8.5.2 GP. This changed how oruxmaps interacts with the lock screen.

In the previous version (I assume 8.5.1 but I don't know for sure), it behaved like this. I was viewing oruxmaps and clicked the power button (or timed out) so the phone display went blank (sleep). Then later I clicked the power button to wake the phone up.  If I was not logging a track I saw the normal lock screen and had to log in. But if I was logging a track, oruxmaps would display the map without sign in and I could do most things (zoom out and in, etc.). When I attempted to do some things such as saving a track it would switch me to the lock screen and I would have to sign in.

The new version (8.5.2) is different when waking up from sleep. Now if I am not logging a track, it displays oruxmaps and lets me use it (just like the previous version did when I _was_ logging a track). This is a welcome change, I can use orux maps for navigation without signing in and without logging a track.  But if I am logging a track, now it displays the the map dimly in the background, and displays the sign-in PIN keypad semi-transparent on top of that. I can sign in, or I can just swipe right-to-left or left-to-right and the keypad disappears and I see the map full brightness and can use orux. I'm not signed in -- if I want to save a track (or want to use the camera or another app) I have to sign in. This is not a horrible change, since it just means one extra swipe, but I would prefer the simplicity of just pushing the power button and no sign-in or swipes required. That makes it very simple to check my position when navigating. And it would be nice if it behaved the same whether you are logging a track or not.

If it matters my phone is a Moto G Power running Android 11.



if you don't like the apps to making auto update, you can visit playstore settings and disable the "auto update"


Quote from: lneam on October 01, 2021, 02:18:21 PM
if you don't like the apps to making auto update, you can visit playstore settings and disable the "auto update"

Have you at least read what dm413-om said?


I noticed also today, that my phone locked after some time, while i was recording with OruxMaps. And had to enter my pin to unlock the phone.
I was used to press power button shortly, to wake up screen or make screen black, while oruxmaps is recording. For this  I always had and have "Application"->"Screen always ON" activated.
Now OruxMaps behaves different...


Quote from: pedja on October 01, 2021, 07:56:52 PM
Quote from: lneam on October 01, 2021, 02:18:21 PM
if you don't like the apps to making auto update, you can visit playstore settings and disable the "auto update"

Have you at least read what dm413-om said?

with my answer, i was able to solve one small problem of one user. With your answer who did you help ? your ego ?


@dm413-om Thank you for opening this thread!
The behavior of the app you described for version 8.5.1 had been the behavior for more than 10 years and it's the only one it should be!
It's more than annoying to enter a PIN while riding a bike and recording a track, it's dangerous. So I don't agree with you only on one point.
Imho it is a horrible change or bug.


I'm not so sure about 10 years.  :) Is Orux that old? I know the free version, which is 7.4.24 and dates from 2017, required me to enter my PIN to view anything.

Note that you don't have to enter a PIN, at least I don't. I only have to swipe left or right. This is not obvious, there is no hint that you can bypass the PIN entry by swiping, but it works for me.

I agree that it's a horrible change if you are riding a bike or driving a vehicle. Entering a PIN or even just swiping is difficult to do while moving and takes your attention off the trail/road. Even if you are hiking (my usual activity) it is a pain. And if you are wearing gloves, or your hands are dirty (dust from the trail), it can be very difficult.


- about the age of orux
when i visit into my device the orux into playstore, there is the section with more info. There, into end of the page says
Playstore released 14/11/2011

- about the free version
into download page writes 7.4.24 and dates from 2017. Before this it was 7.4.23 with the same date from 2017. Before this it was the version 7.4.22 with date from 2017. I know this very well, because i am using free version for my old device.


I also noticed the change and it's very annoying! Orux, please change the app how it was before - with automatic unlock after wake.


into the device, above all is the control of the OS. When the user lock his device the OS is scheduled to see if the user has enabled a kind of lock mechanism. If the answer is YES, then the OS ask for the pass. No mather if we run the app of OruxMaps or Facebook. If we don't care about our safe, we must disable every lock mechanism. Previous design was unsafe.  This my opinion.



There was a change in the last sdk, on how the permission to unlock the screen was managed. But already in the last betas it should be working as before. In version 8.5.4 that is in the air, and will arrive in the next few days, it is implemented as in the betas.



Great! Thanks, Orux, for fixing this and letting us know about it.

For the record, Ineam's statement about needing to disable the lock mechanism is not true. Android supports the ability to run an app "on the lock screen". In this mode you can use the app, and only that app, without unlocking the device (entering a PIN or other unlock mechanism). If you attempt to switch to another app or the home screen, Android then requires you to unlock the device (sign in with PIN or whatever). This only works when the device goes to sleep with this app running in the foreground; if it is running in the background (some other app or the home screen is visible), you will have to unlock the device to see the map.

OruxMaps uses this feature to allow the map to be seen and used (with limits) without signing in. It's a very useful feature, allowing you to merely hit the power button to wake up and see the screen and navigate. It's still safe, because you can't switch to any other app, and you can't do things like save a track, or load tracks, without unlocking. But you can do basic navigation, like zoom in and out, set a waypoint, etc.


I just upgraded to 8.5.4, and the behavior has reverted to the 8.5.1 and earlier behavior. When track logging is enabled and you wake up the phone, oruxmaps is visible and functional "on the lock screen".

However, when track logging is not enabled and you wake up the phone, oruxmaps no longer runs on the lock screen. The is the same as 8.5.1 and earlier, but in 8.5.2 when track logging was not enabled, oruxmaps would run on the lock screen.

Orux, is it possible to have oruxmaps behave the same whether track logging is enabled or not, and always run on the lock screen? That's the most desirable behavior as afar as I'm concerned.

Thanks for your work on this and on all of oruxmaps.


OruxMaps version 8.5.5 GP is out now, and it has not changed this behavior.

Once again I request that oruxmaps behave the same whether track logging is enabled or not and always run on the lock screen.