OruxMaps v9.0.3 GP gpx track has wrong date in trkpt timestamps on Fairphone 4

Started by DesasterArea, June 16, 2022, 10:55:09 PM

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After Updating from OruxMaps v.8.5.5 GP to OruxMaps v.9.0.3 GP the time stored in the trackpoints in an GPX export of a track have a wrong date  :(.
Only noticed it after trying to sync with Photos using Geosetter after a few weeks after after the update.

Some part of the gpx file still has the correct timestamps:
- Filename: 2022-06-11 125658__20220611_1256.gpx
- <time>2022-06-11T10:56:58.052Z</time><bounds maxlat="50.2510326" maxlon="8.5536163" minlat="50.2165018" minlon="8.4889240"/>

But in other places and all trackpoints there is a wrong date, e.g.:

- <desc><![CDATA[<p><br /><h3>Name: Segment: 1</h3><br />Start time: 13:36 Oct 26, 2002<br/>Finish time: 17:28 Oct 26, 2002<br/>Distance: 11.6km (03:51)<br/>Moving time: 02:51<br/>Average speed: 3 km/h<br/>Avg. Speed Mov.: 4.05 km/h<br/>Max. speed: 6.32 km/h<br/>Minimum altitude: 264 m<br/>Maximum altitude: 683 m<br/>Ascent speed: 302.1 m/h<br/>Descent speed: 312.4 m/h<br/>Elevation gain: 283 m<br/>Elevation loss: 452 m<br/>Ascent time: 00:56<br/>Descent time: 01:26<br/></p>]]></desc>

<trkpt lat="50.2412288" lon="8.5265620">
<trkpt lat="50.2414058" lon="8.5265089">

I'm not sure if the date is already garbled in the database or gets corrupted during the gpx export ~ reexporting doesn't change a things

A little search in the forum revelead this kind of error happend not the first time
Using Fairphone 4 with Android 11 with all available updates.

Please advice

Kind regards


Quote from: DesasterArea on June 16, 2022, 10:55:09 PM
After Updating from OruxMaps v.8.5.5 GP to OruxMaps v.9.0.3 GP the time stored in the trackpoints in an GPX export of a track have a wrong date  :( .
Only noticed it after trying to sync with Photos using Geosetter after a few weeks after after the update.

Some part of the gpx file still has the correct timestamps:
- Filename: 2022-06-11 125658__20220611_1256.gpx
- <time>2022-06-11T10:56:58.052Z</time><bounds maxlat="50.2510326" maxlon="8.5536163" minlat="50.2165018" minlon="8.4889240"/>

But in other places and all trackpoints there is a wrong date, e.g.:

- <desc><![CDATA[<p><br /><h3>Name: Segment: 1</h3><br />Start time: 13:36 Oct 26, 2002<br/>Finish time: 17:28 Oct 26, 2002<br/>Distance: 11.6km (03:51)<br/>Moving time: 02:51<br/>Average speed: 3 km/h<br/>Avg. Speed Mov.: 4.05 km/h<br/>Max. speed: 6.32 km/h<br/>Minimum altitude: 264 m<br/>Maximum altitude: 683 m<br/>Ascent speed: 302.1 m/h<br/>Descent speed: 312.4 m/h<br/>Elevation gain: 283 m<br/>Elevation loss: 452 m<br/>Ascent time: 00:56<br/>Descent time: 01:26<br/></p>]]></desc>

<trkpt lat="50.2412288" lon="8.5265620">
<trkpt lat="50.2414058" lon="8.5265089">

I'm not sure if the date is already garbled in the database or gets corrupted during the gpx export ~ reexporting doesn't change a things

A little search in the forum revelead this kind of error happend not the first time
Using Fairphone 4 with Android 11 with all available updates.

Please advice

Kind regards
It is not an OruxMaps problem. It is not related to the last version.
Your device suffers this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_week_number_rollover
OruxMaps can help you fix it, settings-->sensors-->GPS-->replace GPS timestamps.



Quote from: orux on June 18, 2022, 07:12:04 AM
It is not an OruxMaps problem. It is not related to the last version.
Your device suffers this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_week_number_rollover
OruxMaps can help you fix it, settings-->sensors-->GPS-->replace GPS timestamps.

this is very wrong answer. Smartphone devices with hardware before 2015 had this issuse. We are talking about fairphone 4 with Snapdragon 750G from 2020. this SoC has dual band GNSS


Quote from: DesasterArea on June 16, 2022, 10:55:09 PM
After Updating from OruxMaps v.8.5.5 GP to OruxMaps v.9.0.3 GP the time stored in the trackpoints in an GPX export of a track have a wrong date  :(.
Only noticed it after trying to sync with Photos using Geosetter after a few weeks after after the update.

Some part of the gpx file still has the correct timestamps:
- Filename: 2022-06-11 125658__20220611_1256.gpx
- <time>2022-06-11T10:56:58.052Z</time><bounds maxlat="50.2510326" maxlon="8.5536163" minlat="50.2165018" minlon="8.4889240"/>

But in other places and all trackpoints there is a wrong date, e.g.:

- <desc><![CDATA[<p><br /><h3>Name: Segment: 1</h3><br />Start time: 13:36 Oct 26, 2002<br/>Finish time: 17:28 Oct 26, 2002<br/>Distance: 11.6km (03:51)<br/>Moving time: 02:51<br/>Average speed: 3 km/h<br/>Avg. Speed Mov.: 4.05 km/h<br/>Max. speed: 6.32 km/h<br/>Minimum altitude: 264 m<br/>Maximum altitude: 683 m<br/>Ascent speed: 302.1 m/h<br/>Descent speed: 312.4 m/h<br/>Elevation gain: 283 m<br/>Elevation loss: 452 m<br/>Ascent time: 00:56<br/>Descent time: 01:26<br/></p>]]></desc>

<trkpt lat="50.2412288" lon="8.5265620">
<trkpt lat="50.2414058" lon="8.5265089">

I'm not sure if the date is already garbled in the database or gets corrupted during the gpx export ~ reexporting doesn't change a things

A little search in the forum revelead this kind of error happend not the first time
Using Fairphone 4 with Android 11 with all available updates.

Please advice

Kind regards
Hi Markus,
i suggest to run this app

it has the ability to check for GPS week rollover

after 30-60 seconds into open sky you will have a valid location. If there is a problem with your device Fairphone 4 with Android 11 (i don't belive), you will see on the upper window, the time with red color. If it is white and synchronized with your device, there is no issue with you


Quote from: orux on June 18, 2022, 07:12:04 AM
It is not an OruxMaps problem. It is not related to the last version.
Your device suffers this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_week_number_rollover
OruxMaps can help you fix it, settings-->sensors-->GPS-->replace GPS timestamps.


Dear Orux,

thanks for the helpful answer. I can give you some interesting / from my point of view confusing  ??? results:

1) Sucessfull Workaround: settings-->sensors-->GPS-->replace GPS timestamps.
Navigating to this settings and ticking the box solves the problem

2) As suggested i used GPSTest and it revealed the same fault behavior and reports the "GNSS time is wring" error.

3) So far so bad, but GPS Week Number rollover starts way back at 6th of April 2019.

Why did it work for me last on the 04th of June 2022 with version 8.5.5 GP.
The first wrong track was recorded at the 11th of June 2022.
That's more than 3 years to late for the rollover to suddenly appear

On the other hand i'm pretty sure i did not touch these setting mention before because i feshly installed my FP4 around February.

So yes, the error and workaround makes it look like it could be GPS Rollover problem, but the data and the change in behavior does after program update does not suggest it.

I can not exactly remeber when the last software update from Android 11 happened but my FP4 is running Android11 with May 5th Security Updates.

So maybe you can have a closer look at the code changes between Orox 8.5.5 and 9.0.3 if some API changes could have this result.

Just to be sure i will also open a case with the Fairphone guys ~ it the problem is on their side of the road.

Anyway, many thanks so far for the answer & workaround again.

Kind regards


Quote from: lneam on June 18, 2022, 03:52:33 PM
Hi Markus,
i suggest to run this app

it has the ability to check for GPS week rollover

after 30-60 seconds into open sky you will have a valid location. If there is a problem with your device Fairphone 4 with Android 11 (i don't belive), you will see on the upper window, the time with red color. If it is white and synchronized with your device, there is no issue with you

Hy lneam,

thanks for your helpful post to ~ maybe also have a look at my replay to orux for further information.

I downloaded the recommended GPTSTest and indeed it did report a wrong GNSS!  :o I cannot go back in time and have a look at what GPSTest would have report before 6th of June when Orux 8.5.5 was working fine.

This is totally confusing because it did not notice any GPS related issues other than the current one starting somewhere between 4th and 11th of June 2022 and the Orux Update 8.5.5 to 9.0.3 also in that timeframe.
I have some other GPS related programms in use (Here, OSMAnd) but as Oruxmaps is my favorite (besides car navigation) i rarely use the other ones.
So at the moment my best guess is that some system update of the Fairphone4 maybe introduced / uncovered the bug with some API changes or it was uncovered by the way Orux uses GPS between 8 and 9.
Just to be sure i will also open a case with the fairphone guys to make sure the bug is not on the system software (or hardware).
But anyway many thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Kind regards


Hi Markus,

please visit the US official page for Navstar (GPS). Into this link at the end click the first option "Presentation on GPS Week Roll Over Issue (PDF)"
"GPS Time is presently in its second Epoch which will end on April 6, 2019"

my device use a snapdragon from 2016 without any issue. I have never read any other similar info for bug. Maybe you have to contact the help desk of your device, the fairphone. Maybe they have install wrong firmware. I don't belive that qualcomm are so idiots. Do you see dual band sats with GPSTEST app ? can you post any screenshot from your device ?


Quote from: lneam on June 19, 2022, 10:45:51 PM
Hi Markus,

please visit the US official page for Navstar (GPS). Into this link at the end click the first option "Presentation on GPS Week Roll Over Issue (PDF)"
"GPS Time is presently in its second Epoch which will end on April 6, 2019"

my device use a snapdragon from 2016 without any issue. I have never read any other similar info for bug. Maybe you have to contact the help desk of your device, the fairphone. Maybe they have install wrong firmware. I don't belive that qualcomm are so idiots. Do you see dual band sats with GPSTEST app ? can you post any screenshot from your device ?

Hy lneam,

it took me a while to figure out how to upload attachment, i attached two screenshots from GPSTest ~ i hope you can see them.
Meanwhile I opened a call with Fairphone about the bug, i suspect it was somehow introduced with the regular android security patches.
As the Fairphone4 is fairly new (Q1/22) i hope it is not a hardware problem but we will see.
As i'm now aware of the problem also other software displaying GPS Time/Datestamsp e.g. SatStat also displays the wrong data timestamp "rollover style".
But again i don't see any negative side effects while using other navigation software (e.g. HereMaps)

Kind regards


Hi Markus,
this email was from the fairphone company to me, when i ask them about the gnss receiver inside the fairphone 4
from the screenshots you post, is very clear that they don't support dual band gnss signals. Also the static accuracy of 16-17 meters is very bad.
i still believe, that they have done a bad firmware update or they are telling lies to the people about the device specs they have made
QuoteKurt (Fairphone)

Dec 15, 2021, 14:19 GMT+1

Hello again,

After checking with our tech team, they have confirmed that the chipset supports dual-band GNSS and our testing shows it works on the device. We'll consider adding it to the spec sheet so it's more clear in the future. When it comes to reviews, we don't know of any that specifically test GNSS support.

If you need anything else, please let me know, I will be happy to help you again.

Have a lovely day and take care!


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Monday to Friday, 10:00-17:00


Hi Markus,

i have an idea. Why don't you ask for the apk of 8.5.5 GP version to downgrade and test to see the results ?



meanwhile i got some advice from Fairphone that is quite lengthy but luckilyi tried one more thing before going that road (downloading a lot of other apps and try different stuff) ...
... and rebooted my deivce ~ stupid thing not to try!
And voila ~ everything works as before as it should, no more weird GPS behavior in the apps that acted weird before.

So i keep my fingers crossed it stays this way, otherwise i have one workarounds (GPS Timestmap fix in Oruxmaps) and one solution (reboot device) to try before opening up that thread again.

Thanks for all the help and suggestions.

Kind regards