who can help me out with the WP and voice directions.

Started by deech123, February 13, 2017, 02:38:31 PM

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HI guys,

first of all, I want to thank the creator(s) for Oruxmaps, by far the best I ever tested !

now I have  problem I allready tried to solve for weeks, but no luck whatever.

I use Garmin basecamp on my pc to make a new track.

in that track on the points were the streets splits up - like left and right, I set a waypoint.

in the remarks of the waypoint I set for example : go left, or go right.

then after I did this for all possible : left's, right's, straight on's, I select in basecamp the track and all the waypoints, and export it as a GPX file.

then I transfer it onto my OnePlus one phone and I choose  in Oruxmaps : load GPX.

then I tried these combinations, but no luck at all :

1. follow, with checked options : alarm when I get offroute and also the check box when I get closer to a WPT

then I tried this one :

2. WPT- nav, with message when I get close to WPT.

extra information: when I just start tracking with the option 1 (=follow with wpt, etc..) then I can hear the system saying the stats of the route every x time.

so sounds are enabled.

but what I want to create is, that let's say I'm in a straight street, and in for example 100 meter this street is splitting up in left and right.

that in my basecamp on these splitting points, I can set something like : go left, next point, go right etc...

and then when I start to hike or bike or whatever, that the moment I get close to a point where the street or path is splitting, I can hear go left or go right... a bit like normal car navigation.

i see and hear people that tells me, it works with oruxmaps, but whatever I try, I can not get it to work, any idea guys how I can manage to do this?

thx for any help.