Velohero Export: Barometric Data differs from Orux-Infos

Started by Tobias, June 19, 2017, 12:57:39 PM

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The roundups of the uploaded Data of my workounds differ to the informations in the gpx-File.

On the website of Velohero the Elevation gained/lost is too much.

Also the max/min Height isn't exactly what is shown in oruxmaps.

I assume the barometric Data isn't uploaded correctly and the elevation is computed with the GPS-Points.

is the "ele"vation information after the "trkpt"oints GPS Data or from the barometric Sensor?

I would assume it depends on the settings?

Also worth of mention,

the oruxmaps extension info results in a 404.

<om:oruxmapsextensions xmlns:om="">
<om:ext type="TYPE" subtype="0">6</om:ext>
<om:ext type="DIFFICULTY">0</om:ext>

A File (no personal Data):!AkS45O2eMp41geEFPCviOhZLdmakJw">!AkS45O2eMp41geEFPCviOhZLdmakJw


The two Heartrates are somehow bugged in while I tried to get my HR-Belt working some days after this workout.

I don't know yet if this regression is because of my phone or orux, I have yet to try it on another Android device with oruxmaps installed.