Anyone else having problems with elevation profile in Strava?

Started by coopso, March 05, 2017, 01:18:20 PM

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For around a year now, Strava has been overstating the elevation on my rides.

The ticket I raised last year was not, in my opinion, addressed by Strava. The ticket is here:">//

There are loads of details in the strava ticket.

The problem persists, and I can also eliminate my phone as I have now changed phones.

Both the old one (Sony Z3) and the new one (Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge) had barometric altimeter. I used to edit the gpx file header in order to trick Strava to take my phone's elevation rather than using the Strava algorithms and elevation data.

This approach used to work for a year or so - until March 2016.

So I thought I would check if anyone has any ideas?

Interestingly, although I believe it's unrelated, since the version 7 upgrade it has not been possible to calibrate the barometer on my phone. Whatever option I choose, Orux is showing the incorrect altitude.

I have given up now and generally just leave the gpx header unedited, and leave the elevation calculated by Strava. But it would be nice to get this sorted.




Quote from: "coopso"For around a year now, Strava has been overstating the elevation on my rides.

The ticket I raised last year was not, in my opinion, addressed by Strava. The ticket is here:">//

There are loads of details in the strava ticket.

The problem persists, and I can also eliminate my phone as I have now changed phones.

Both the old one (Sony Z3) and the new one (Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge) had barometric altimeter. I used to edit the gpx file header in order to trick Strava to take my phone's elevation rather than using the Strava algorithms and elevation data.

This approach used to work for a year or so - until March 2016.

So I thought I would check if anyone has any ideas?

Interestingly, although I believe it's unrelated, since the version 7 upgrade it has not been possible to calibrate the barometer on my phone. Whatever option I choose, Orux is showing the incorrect altitude.

I have given up now and generally just leave the gpx header unedited, and leave the elevation calculated by Strava. But it would be nice to get this sorted.




After OM 7.0 you have different altitude dashboard elements to see the altitude from the GPS and the barometer, or DEM (settings->user interface->dashboard).

But only one value is saved with the track, depending on your settings in settings-->sensors->GPS.



Quote from: "orux"Hello,

After OM 7.0 you have different altitude dashboard elements to see the altitude from the GPS and the barometer, or DEM (settings->user interface->dashboard).

But only one value is saved with the track, depending on your settings in settings-->sensors->GPS.


Bingo! Thank you and apologies I had missed this feature. Love the app by the way, well done.

Meanwhile I am still wondering if anyone else has problems with their elevation profile in Strava?


I do. I'm using Velohero and Strava in parallel. Elevation in Velohero, Strava, and Oruxmaps deviates. Up until recently, Strava had higher elevations in the mountains, but lower (and more accurate) elevations in Strava. Since the beginning of this year, I always need to correct elevation in Strava because newly uploaded rides give ridiculous elevation, even though the values within Oruxmaps are pretty accurate. Velohero is much closer (and virtually identical to post-correction Strava elevation), but still above Oruxmaps' value as shown in the track statistics.

For instance, on a flat ride around Milan today Oruxmaps says 21m elevation, and Velohero says 111. Strava says 128 post-correction and said ~360 pre-correction. 21m elevation is likely too low, as I crossed four highway bridges.