Can't change share application

Started by tomasz.molenda, June 16, 2017, 11:01:01 AM

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Hi everybody!

I have a problem with share options in Oruxmaps application.

I use 7.0.12 and android 6.0.1 on SGS5.

When i try share my track by gpx, I tap properties on my track and I tap share icon, next popup format to share and next file was sending to share application. In my case to gmail. I remember that when i did that first time after popup format export I am able to choose application to share my gpx (I chose gamil). Now I can't - becouse gpx was transfering to first choise application (gmail in my case).

Same problem is with try map share from main screen: map icon -> map share -> share map capture. In first time i choose sms message application. Now when i try to share it always send map screen to message application.

Can I change chose share application in above description situations?

Thanks for your help.