Maybe wrong calculation of height gain?

Started by olwaldi, May 17, 2024, 12:37:49 PM

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I've created a route with brouter using the recent oruxmaps  10.6.1 GP.

One can display route statistics - but I do not understand the meaning of height gain resp. loss. My route is a roundtrip, i.e. it starts and ends at the same location. Thus I'd expect to get a height loss of 0m - but oruxmaps reports 189m. Similar I mistrust the height gain - oruxmaps reports 164m, but qmapshacks calculates 380m.

Similar spurious: When I delete a waypoint during creation of my route the calculated max. height is at a wrong location/height.

Maybe also related: The tip of the waypoint icons do not end at the route but their circles seem to be centered at the route. But the automaticaly created km waypoints are rendered correct - i.e. their tips end at the route.

Please find enclosed my route as a sample.

Regards, Michael


Hello, the planner data is given by the brouter / GraphHopper database, they are not from Oruxmaps, in my experience they are not reliable, (this has fix soon)
Once you have your route in the Oruxmaps database, do an altitude correction, with your DEM Confidence , you will see how you get more sensible data.
Regarding waypoints, when we mark a waypoint we don't always do it right on the route, Oruxmaps creates the waypoint where you have marked but the route line generates it at the nearest point existing in the planner database (brouter / GraphHopper).
I hope this helps you understand some of the anomalies you mention.


Thanks for the quick response. That explains my issues partly.

And I might add that restarting oruxmaps changes much: Now the waypoints are centered correctly. And the height gain/loss have different, more correct values. Probabely now oruxmaps uses different height data sources?

And I had a misunderstandig: of course the height loss ist NOT zero, but instead should be the same as the height gain (for a roundtrip).

Regards, Michael