Handling profiles

Started by agocurti, September 02, 2024, 10:49:25 AM

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Hello folks. I'm trying to use 'Profiles' in OM8.5, but something is not too clear for me...
I created my custom profile from the default one, then I loaded it from the interface, then I see my custom profile as green.
But now it's not clear how update it... If, for example, I change some setting in 'Global setting', how can I save the new configuration in my profile? I don't see a 'Save' button... I tried to modify manually the related xml file, but this it seems not possible because it is a binary format...
Someone can help me? 


Hello, first these with a very old version you can already update ...
Second, you don't need to save the configuration changes you make are saved directly to the profile you are using at the time of configurations.

Best regards


Hello Tronpo, I reopened this topic because I'm having some issue...
I created my custom profile from the default one, then I loaded it (I see it as green) and I executed some change in my settings.
At this point it should be some difference between the 2 profiles, correct? But if I reload the original default profile I continue to see the changes that I done in the my custom profile.... Why? What I'm doing wrong?


You are not doing anything wrong (I think) it seems to me that when creating a new profile from the default profile the settings of the new profile are inherited from the default profile, I don't know if it is a mistake of the app or if it is so
In my case I have two profiles, 3 profiles
1 mtb
2 Geocaching
3 tester + various uses
I always create my profiles using the options of:
-Factory profile (From 0)
-From the current profile (To take advantage of some settings :)
In case this information is useful to you.


The behavior is correct, my profile is created starting from the default profile then it inherits the default settings. The problem is that if execute some change after loaded my profile => if I reload the default profile I don't see the original settings, but the last ones...


Indeed, it is what I said before, the default profile acquires (inherits) the configurations made to the custom profile.
If you want a "new" default profile to be able to compare or start from scratch, you have to create a profile with the create profile from factory option.


Ok, I will try this... Finally, is it possible update a profile file directly from his xml?