Heart Rate in GPX file

Started by sabbia, November 26, 2024, 04:11:56 PM

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Hello, I'm trying to display the heart rate (correctly shown live on Oruxmaps during the trek) on a desktop software (CompeGPS, OkMap, or gpx.studio for instance).  My track statistics show the average, minimum and maximum heart rate, but when I export the GPX file and I import it in a third party desktop software I can't get the heart rate along the track (I would like to compare the altitude graph with the heart rate graph).
I opened the GPX file exported with notepad and I noticed that the heart rate is missing in every track point:

<trkpt lat="48.7554981" lon="5.5615596">

Am I wrong? What can I do?

Thank you!


Hi, look in settings>tracks>gpx settings>Export sensor data.


Hello, thank you for your reply. Unfortunately all the options in "Export sensor data" are already checked (Heart rate as well). Could be a bug? (I'm using v 10.7.4 GP)