Setting "KMZ photo dimensions" have no effect, KMZ have full size images

Started by heppu99, August 03, 2020, 01:53:12 PM

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Setting "KMZ photo dimensions" have no effect, KMZ have full size images in new phone. It has been working in other phones.

Motorola Moto G 8 Power, Android 10
Oruxmaps v.8.0.4 GP


If anyone know that this is only problem in latest Oruxmap version, please tell me, then I can use older Oruxmaps?


Quote from: heppu99 on August 11, 2020, 11:04:00 PM
If anyone know that this is only problem in latest Oruxmap version, please tell me, then I can use older Oruxmaps?
there are no changes in that function for a long time.

it should work (works on my devices, different versions of Android, ...).

there are two settings about it.
--Compress KMZ photos -> check it out
--KMZ photo dimension -> set your preferred size.

If both are right, maybe the problem is related to the placement of the images? where are they?



All in default folder DCIM, I try with 3 apps and they have folder under DSIM:

Camera (default Android camera app)

If I set image size smaller in OpenCamera, it's smaller (same size) inside KMZ too.

I¨v been using Oruxmaps for years, this has been working fine in other phoness (other Android version too).

"" these are ok
--Compress KMZ photos -> check it out
--KMZ photo dimension -> set your preferred size.

Sorry,  of course there is pictures in oruxmap where the images are... in other phones I have originals in gallery, and small versions in oruxmap/pictures.


Can anyone please try this? I just take my old Galaxy A3 Android 8.0 (I used that with Oruxmaps many years), and updated it's Oruxmaps to 8.0.5 GP from Play, started tracking and take images via Oruxmap... same result. I use original Camera-app. I set image size to 1080 in KMZ-settings.

It has original image in KMZ and save original image in oruxmap/pictures. No iamges in DSIM/gallery.


Even this is not big problem (I can use Open Camera for Oruxmap, I can set image size smaller in that app). If I want bigger  images, I¨ll have to take it again with Camera-app...

I just want to know whats going on... this has been working fine so many years for me. Well.. maybe I'm the only person using this all the time?

I just uninstall Oruxmaps from my old Galaxy A3, and even delete Oruxmaps folders ets. I take SD-card off, so only phone memory in use.

-download Oruxmap "Current version (7.4.22)" from
-install it
-record every step into video with screenrecorder (if anyone like to see if I do something wrong?)

xxx link out xxx


When I take images with Oruxmap, it save them ONLY in oruxmaps\pictures with FULL size (test images are 7.3 and 4.2Mb) that is set in camera app (I take one image with original Camera, and one with Open Camera).

Camera-app make names 20200822xxx.jpg and Open Camera-app IMG_20200822xx.jpg, but Oruxmap save images with names like OMIMG_20200822xx.jpg. So Oruxmap does rename images, but doesn't change the size?

Sooo heavy rain now, I have time to fix this...   ;D 8)