Set stroke/fill for shapefile overlay?

Started by jdietrch, March 19, 2018, 01:10:25 AM

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I am using version 7.2.7. I have loaded a multi-polygon shapefile as an overlay, and it appears to draw correctly.

Is there a way to set the stroke and fill (including transparency) for a shapefile overlay? I have found how this can be done for an overlay that I draw myself, but I cannot find a way to set it for a shapefile overlay. It draws with a fairly thick blue line for the stroke, and no fill. I would like it to draw with a thinner black stroke and a partially transparent color for the fill.

If this is something that can be done, I would very much appreciate a pointer on how to accomplish this. Or, if this is not currently possible, would you consider adding this capability someday?

Thank you for your help, and for a very useful app!
