Map select based on map-group (map root folder) and not single map files

Started by oytu, October 06, 2017, 05:48:12 PM

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I posted this in another thread earlier, but I think this is the correct place, so I try again...

In short, I wish it would be possible to switch to a group of maps (root folder, with sub folders, containing different zoom levels of the same type of map), instead of selecting a single map file. This would allow to zoom out and in within the same map type (group) without asking for which map you wan to load. So if you have a folder for topo maps, one for satellite photos and maybe one hybrid map folder, you can just push a select button to switch between these. When zooming in and out it will stay within this root folder. If multiple maps of same type overlap at same zoom level, then a select box could be shown.

If you have one map file for each zoom level, it ask every time you zoom out and in which map to use. (Unless you don't disable the other root folders, but then you have to activate them again when needed.) I switch between topo and sat all the time. My lowest zoom maps cover large areas, but the higher the zoom gets the areas covered for each map file are smaller and smaller.

Earlier post:

It would be great if it was an "zoom autoload, stay in root folder" option. Let say you have 3 different maps for same area arranged in 3 "root folders" in map directory. Each of the 3 folders contains multiple files for different zoom levels. Now when you zoom, it will ask you to select one of the 3 different maps. As mentioned you can disable the 2 other folders to automatic load from only the third folder without questions. Now if you want to look at a different map, then you have to enable that folder and optional disable the other folder, if you don't want the select map question all the time. If the maps are stored in different files for each zoom level, this is very annoying, since you get this question each time you zoom in and out.

So the idea is an option that gives you the possibility to only zoom and automatic load maps within the same root folder (with optional subfolders). As long as you don't have overlapping maps in that root directory, it should not ask. If you want to switch to another map type, you can go to "switch map here" or "switch map" as usual. Then you will be locked to the maps in the same directory tree as the one you selected.

Exampel of map structure:

mapfiles->topo->topo_zoom1-13, topo_zoom14, topo_zoom15, etc.

mapfiles->satellite->satellite_zoom1-13, satellite_zoom14, satellite_zoom15, etc.

mapfiles->hybrid->hybrid_zoom1-13, hybrid_zoom14, hybrid_zoom15, etc.

So again, if all folders are enabled, it should stay within topo root folder if you manually select for example topo_zoom14 and zoom out. Like it is now it will ask if you want to load from topo, satellite and hybrid.


This quite old request is exactly what I'm expecting !

So I post a reply only to put it again on "top of file".

Without this enhancement, "Zoom autoload" is not really useable (and I personnally deactivated it), while with this enhancement, it would be a great option !

Dear Orux, if you read us, please give a chance to this request  :D


Have you tried to use the function Map Index in the menu Map tools?

Beside this request of yours, I would like to add my concern:

The very unpleasant issue that I have is that I am at the border of 2 maps. And it looks like only one map can be open at a time.

I attach a copy screen to try making it more clear, instead of the empty square on noth, I would like to see my next map (the previously loaded one or something?

Maybe one solution is to create my own rmap file? Anyone know how hard it might be?">//">