Clickable links for website / mail / phone / etc. fields in POIs

Started by Ede_123, July 10, 2020, 02:26:51 AM

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Maps from OpenAndroMaps ship with nicely curated lists of POIs these days and OruxMaps gained functionality to look them up easily by clicking in the map (see attachement).

Unfortunately the POIs are a lot less useful then they could be as

  • Text in the popup is not selectable (so can't be copy pasted)
  • Links / e-mails / phone numbers / etc. that could theoretically be opened in a suitable app are not clickable

It would be great if clicking / copying of items from the POIs would be made possible!



I already requested almost the same thing here, and, in the latest version, it is partially implemented for phone numbers. It would be nice if it worked also with email addresses, websites, ...


The mapsforge POI API states the following:

QuoteThe PoiPersistenceManager object is used for querying the POIs in various ways. The query returns a collection of PointOfInterest objects. These are containers that contain a POI's position, ID, category and additional data. Additional data are stored as a string and can be arbitrary. There is no specification for the encoding of those data. The current implementation stores the POI's tags as an UTF-8 encoded string in the data field.

I understand that the fact that all the OSM tags are contained in one field (additional data) is making things more complicated here, but, in the POI database, there is a line feed at the end of each. It can be used to create an array of OSM tags/values by splitting the field on the line separator, then each tag/value couple can be further splitted on the equal sign to  separate them. From there a different logic can be applied to each tag.

in addition to the OSM tags that I already mentioned on the other thread I would like to add 'contact:facebook' and 'contact:whatsapp' to the list.

Finally, and somehow unrelated to this, I think that it would be better to align to the left those values on the popup, when there are a lot of them, they currently look somehow messy. Also alphabetically sorted would be better.