Overlay maps!

Started by OffRoadGPS, November 11, 2013, 07:27:36 PM

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I'd like the ability to overlay a custom offline map on top of an online map. I have an MBTiles map with roads, trails, iconography, etc but without a background. I would like the ability to see the map on top of Google Earth, Google Terrain, etc.

I'm able to do it on an iPhone using "MBTiles GPS" and it works great. I've been unable to find this feature in an Android app. It would make a great feature in Orux!

Great app!!


This is a SEXY idea. That would be very cool.

Sent from my RunboX5-W using Tapatalk


Different kind of overlays/combinations of offline maps have been a topic in the old forum too:



I would like to have this feature too, especially to add hillshading to offline maps.

I also tried kml overlays but embeded png images are ignored (although those are kml standards).

So the possibility to combine offline as well as online maps OR different offline maps would be great!


Hillshading along with Openandromaps would be killer.

Sent from my RunboX5-W using Tapatalk


Llevo unos días manejando oruxmaps y me parece una excelente aplicación. Felicito al equipo de desarrolladores y les doy las gracias por poder usar tan buen programa.

 Soy nuevo y con poca experiencia ; me gustaría saber como cambiar las etiquetas de los mapas vectoriales con formato img de garmín y, si siendo vectoriales  y las pantallas de las tablets son táctiles, si se puede pulsando sobre un punto coger información del mapa.

Gracias de antemano y espero contestación