relief shading for my OpenAndroMap???

Started by hundundhund, March 11, 2014, 12:53:29 AM

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Quote from: "Maki"The overflow is the same I see at every tile border.

Ah, yes, I see the repetition of this now.
Quote from: "Maki"The negative height high contrast is probably due to DEM errors

I think that's what's commonly known as 'below sea level' ;)

If we're discussing cotrast, I find 'sombreadohikebike' to be particularly good, from this post:">//

Much like the demo we've seen in Oruxmaps, there's a general light grey cast to the relief to allow room in the pallete for highlights as well as shade.


Quote from: "goosiebn"
Quote from: "Maki"The overflow is the same I see at every tile border.

Ah, yes, I see the repetition of this now.
Quote from: "Maki"The negative height high contrast is probably due to DEM errors

I think that's what's commonly known as 'below sea level' ;)

If we're discussing cotrast, I find 'sombreadohikebike' to be particularly good, from this post:">//

Much like the demo we've seen in Oruxmaps, there's a general light grey cast to the relief to allow room in the pallete for highlights as well as shade.


thanks for your help.

I think that we are near the final version :P

There is a new beta.

'overflow' problem solved, I hope.

changed light orientation.

added some blur effect. It seems to work fine till ZL16 more or less, but below this level the effect is not good because it is applied to each tile, and the junctions of each tile to the next, the effect is not good.

remember to delete render cache before testing the new version.">



Quote from: "orux"'overflow' problem solved, I hope.

Hi Orux,

The below sea level bug is still there. Very high contrast areas around negative altitudes.

Now the relief shading looks very good for me.


Quote from: "orux"'overflow' problem solved, I hope.

Almost. I've managed to find an example of it:">


Quote from: "goosiebn"
Quote from: "orux"'overflow' problem solved, I hope.

Almost. I've managed to find an example of it:


sorry, the patch wasn't applied correctly.

Try with last beta34b version. Remember to delete first the raster cache.

Which is the resolution of the DEM files you use, 30 mts.?



Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "goosiebn"
Quote from: "orux"'overflow' problem solved, I hope.

Almost. I've managed to find an example of it:


sorry, the patch wasn't applied correctly.

Try with last beta34b version. Remember to delete first the raster cache.

Which is the resolution of the DEM files you use, 30 mts.?


Not sure, it's not the flaky highest resolution, so it may be the 3 arc second data?

Below sea level:">


I tried beta 34b. The overflow problem seems mostly gone for vertical seams, horizontal ones are still imperfect, but I think it's the DEM data, since in the same place contour lines in OAM go wild. Good news.

The shading looks ok-ish on low angle terrain but, when you move to the mountains, steep south-facing slopes go almost black; outdoors the map is unreadable. There is no way that a single setting works for everyone everywhere. There really should be a setting for opacity.

Ditto for the blur, it's ok for low contrast areas, but in high contrast ones it gets blotchy, sometimes it's even disturbing. I suppose you kept the blur radius low to reduce the seam visibility, which is still a problem in the aforementioned areas. There is a better solution, if you can implement it without rewriting the whole app. Basically you need a buffer area around the tile that is calculated but not shown (render, blur, then crop). The overhead generated by this technique can be reduced with metatiles, to use MapBox lingo. See">// In this way you can use a larger radius and still completely avoid the seams.

Nice work, thanks.




updated beta 36;

I think that there are no more 'black holes' near the sea.



Quote from: "orux"Hello,

updated beta 36;

I think that there are no more 'black holes' near the sea.


Yeah, looks ok for below sea level stuff.


Thanks for adding relief shading, I really like that!

But I have to agree with Maki, it's too dark for the mountains, so opacity/brightness settings would be very welcome!

Wouldn't it be good, if we can switch relief on/off without cleaning cache? Maybe with 2 caches, one for relief, one for normal maps. And a button for easy switch on/off relief shading.

Outdoor without relief for maximum brightness,

While tour planning with relief for nice maps.

Just a idea,



Hello Orux,

the relief shading is really great, you did a super job here, thank you!

In my home region it works good until ZL 15 with 3" DEM-files, in the alps it works good until ZL 14 with 1" DEM files.

In flat regions  with normally white background it's a bit too grey for my impression. So agree with maki and eartrumpet, that settings for that could be useful.

@Thomas: I use different profiles for that. But you have to quit om and restart to take effect.



Quote from: ""Wouldn't it be good, if we can switch relief on/off without cleaning cache? Maybe with 2 caches, one for relief, one for normal maps. And a button for easy switch on/off relief shading.

Outdoor without relief for maximum brightness,

While tour planning with relief for nice maps.

Just a idea,


Hi, Thomas;

the mapsforge and the relief are cached in different files. You don't need to restart the cache if you want to change to no relief mode. But currently requires a map reload.

It is difficult to find the right parameters.

I will add a new setting, the minimum/maximum zoom level to apply hill shading, and a fast mode to change without needing of map reload.


Quote from: "orux"
Hi, Thomas;

the mapsforge and the relief are cached in different files. You don't need to restart the cache if you want to change to no relief mode. But currently requires a map reload.

I will add a new setting, the minimum/maximum zoom level to apply hill shading, and a fast mode to change without needing of map reload.


Thats Great, thanks Orux.


Using the Profiles is also a good idea, but when Orux give us the new Functions it is the best Solution.