Foto-Waypoints with multiple pictures

Started by bike_worker, April 24, 2014, 10:58:24 PM

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Hi ORUXMAPS creators,

I really appreciate this outstanding app. :D

I do a lot of biking finding lots of POIs out in nature.

Everytime I'd like to collect some data of a POI I choose "Foto-Waypoint" and I am really happy about this feature.

But I wonder if there is a chance to take more than one picture of a POI using the camera function within ORUXMAPS.

I know that there is a way to add more pictures (and more files) to a WP by enabeling 'extensions' and simply append them but that is not the same good workflow all in all like taking the first "original" picture.

So lets say there is a really nice tree or building or whatever out there and I want to take pictures from at least 5 different angles (sometimes up to 10) and 'connect' them to the same Foto-WP, would it be possible to kind of 'insert' a short menu after taking the first pic that asks "Add another pic?" with "Yes" or "No" option?

I hope this feature will come some day soon. It would really help me a lot.

Kind regards
