Wahoo blue SC

Started by ajn90, May 11, 2014, 11:25:04 PM

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Hello! I've been using this app for this winter now and this is so good!! Originally I needed an app for my phone for snowmobiling with offline maps, off-road tracking and topographic maps. I found out about this app and then used accurate topographic layout provided by Finnish government and it works like a charm!

Now summer is coming, slowly but steadily, and I'm starting to ride my bike for longer routes now. I already bought bluetooth HRM belt and now I'm thinking to buy this http://eu.wahoofitness.com/wahoo-blue-sc-speed-and-cadence-sensor.html">http://eu.wahoofitness.com/wahoo-blue-s ... ensor.html">http://eu.wahoofitness.com/wahoo-blue-sc-speed-and-cadence-sensor.html on their website they say its compatible with some 3rd party android apps like on the list http://support.wahoofitness.com/entries/30334274-Android-Device-Compatibility-">http://support.wahoofitness.com/entries ... atibility-">http://support.wahoofitness.com/entries/30334274-Android-Device-Compatibility- .

I'm wondering if anyone have tried this equipment on Oruxmaps and if they are working together :)




Quote from: "ajn90"Hello! I've been using this app for this winter now and this is so good!! Originally I needed an app for my phone for snowmobiling with offline maps, off-road tracking and topographic maps. I found out about this app and then used accurate topographic layout provided by Finnish government and it works like a charm!

Now summer is coming, slowly but steadily, and I'm starting to ride my bike for longer routes now. I already bought bluetooth HRM belt and now I'm thinking to buy this http://eu.wahoofitness.com/wahoo-blue-sc-speed-and-cadence-sensor.html">http://eu.wahoofitness.com/wahoo-blue-s ... ensor.html">http://eu.wahoofitness.com/wahoo-blue-sc-speed-and-cadence-sensor.html on their website they say its compatible with some 3rd party android apps like on the list http://support.wahoofitness.com/entries/30334274-Android-Device-Compatibility-">http://support.wahoofitness.com/entries ... atibility-">http://support.wahoofitness.com/entries/30334274-Android-Device-Compatibility- .

I'm wondering if anyone have tried this equipment on Oruxmaps and if they are working together :)




Sorry, but OruxMaps doesn't work with that sensor.

Only works with ANT+ cadence/speed sensors.



Thanks for reply. I see the why, they are different techniques to transmit data. But how about this "swiss army knife of CS ant+ sensors"? http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000BFNOT8/ref=redir_mdp_mobile?redirect=true&tag=dcr07-20">http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000BFNOT ... g=dcr07-20">http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000BFNOT8/ref=redir_mdp_mobile?redirect=true&tag=dcr07-20


Quote from: "ajn90"Thanks for reply. I see the why, they are different techniques to transmit data. But how about this "swiss army knife of CS ant+ sensors"? http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000BFNOT8/ref=redir_mdp_mobile?redirect=true&tag=dcr07-20">http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000BFNOT ... g=dcr07-20">http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000BFNOT8/ref=redir_mdp_mobile?redirect=true&tag=dcr07-20

This sensor works with OruxMaps, but you need a phone ANT+ compatible, or with an USB ANT+ adapter,



Oh I found out that it should work, asked earlier.

http://oruxmaps.foroactivos.net/t3221-how-to-connect-ant-garmin-sensor">http://oruxmaps.foroactivos.net/t3221-h ... min-sensor">http://oruxmaps.foroactivos.net/t3221-how-to-connect-ant-garmin-sensor sooo it should work?

Thanks for your time, keep up the good work on this app!