How to export (and import) manually tracks?

Started by pstein, May 16, 2014, 11:54:15 AM

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When I evaluate OruxMaps the auto-save Option for KML and GMX was disabled.

How can I later (after stop recording) export a certain track into a *.kmz or *.gmx file?

I found no "export" menu.

Is it possible to import such tracks later?



At Tracks - Manage menu:

If you tap on a track in the database, on the empty space on the right of the name, not on the name, you have a menu that has the "Export as ..." option to export to KML, KMZ or GPX.

For Import you have to press the bottom right button, the one that looks look the download arrow.



After I stopped recording I always getting the answer :

stored in database.

So everything should be alright.

But how can I open or load my tracks?