Is this a new DEM?

Started by febs, June 13, 2014, 02:52:19 PM

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I just stumbled upon *this* and it looks very interesting.

What do you think about it?"> ... el-at-25m/">



I have take a quick view and my first opinion is that it is not very approapiated for Oruxmaps:

    - Too heavy size archives (more than 1 gigabyte)

    - The format archives is not compatible (tiff). OM only accepts hdr format.

    - You can get similar dems through "dem1" app.

     This dems are more  appropiate to view on pc.


Well, formats can be converted an big tiles can be splitted in smaller parts.  I was rather wondering how the accuracy compares with the DEM1 ones. I tested this EU-DEM on QGis and it looks quite good; although I didn't compare it yet with a DEM1.

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Here's some contour lines that I generated from it. I know the area quite well and they look very good to me for being generated from a free DEM.

I am quite excited about this because very often when I "correct" the altitude of my tracks using the DEM1 models, I get very wrong results.">

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"Dem1" resolution is 30 meters, but you get it directly to your phone...

In Spain we can get 5 meters resolution! free dems from National Geographic Institute (IGN).


Where can I find a high quality dem file for Italy?  I have downloaded the dem file from dem1 app but they are very bad.  I can't use it for altitude correction.

Thank you in advance

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I just realized that the above picture has been resized by tapatalk, sorry about that. From here you can see it full size by clicking on it:">//

And yeah, DEM1 files are the best we can get for Italy... yet. That is why I was asking about this new model.


Mntr86... I just found this as well. I don't have the least idea about how to get any information out of it yet. Looks interesting though. Ciao :)">//{29D4257D-7130-4453-809F-3D39BC114694}


Here you can buy 20 meters resolution dems from italian army:"> ... matrix.php">

DEMS are in ascii format, but you can converti it into hdr format using tools like Globalmapper and Compegpsland.


Yeah it's the same DEM I linked above in WMS. The problem is that they are not good.

Unless, the version on sale and the WMS one are NOT the same data. I generated contour lines from that WMS and it quite sucked. The EU-DEM was SO much better!


The italian wms data you posted have a poor quality because are made from raster images. A software generates hillshading from contours lines of a physical map.   Real DEMs are based on aerial data from radar (planes or satellites).

In this italian forum comment this:"> ... p?t=179411">


I have tried dem1 for altitude correction and it is very bad. I think that to obtain a good results needs a dem with resolution of 10 m minimum.

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There is a software for convert a dem file in ascii format to hgt for oruxmaps?

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