New beta 5.5.23betaXX

Started by orux, June 14, 2014, 12:38:00 PM

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Quote from: "Josean"He tratado de instalar la beta 6 en mi móvil con versión 2.3 Gingerbread y me es imposible "error al analizar el paquete". He tratado de hacerlo en otro móvil con la misma versión y ocurre igual. Ha dejado Oruxmaps de ser compatible con Gingerbread?

Gracias y saludos.


sigue siendo compatible con android 2.1 y superior.

es posible que se haya descargado mal el fichero, y esté corrupto; prueba a descargarlo otra vez, y mira que tengas un fichero de 5,6 mb aprox.,



i have the same problem when i try to install the apk file of beta 6.


Quote from: "mntr86"i have the same problem when i try to install the apk file of beta 6.


the apk is right, downloaded/instaled by my and other users.

some android programs/versions get wrong downloads; are you downloading directly from the Android?



Yes,  i have tried 3 times but Android says "problems with analysis of the package"


Quote from: "mntr86"Yes,  i have tried 3 times but Android says "problems with analysis of the pocket"

Sorry! you are right.

I had modified the minSdkVersion manifest for testing some things.

A new beta in some minutes...



Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "mntr86"Yes,  i have tried 3 times but Android says "problems with analysis of the pocket"

Sorry! you are right.

I had modified the minSdkVersion manifest for testing some things.

A new beta in some minutes...


Updated to beta7,

now it should work with android 2.x



The new screenshot feature, and many many non customisable locations like both caches, tracks database are still saving in an emulated folder location on internal memory on 'droid 4.4. I keep having to bin db backups and both caches just to keep my phone alive. I note you've created a location for vector map storage, but I haven'ttried that because its folder was customisable and I'dalready pointed it to a folder that mapped to the original Oruxmaps location on sd, which makes me wonder why the special Android folder was neccesary, other than maybe a location that is valid on 'droid 2.3?


Hello Orux,

would it be possible to add an "map info" button (and/or dashboard field (which might be to long)) which displays the comments that were provided when creating mapsforge maps??

I create my maps with the comment containing the timestamp of the OSM sourcedata:

osmosis --rb file=$source_pbf --mw file=$target_map bbox=$ll_lat,$ll_lon,$ur_lat,$ur_lon type=hd tag-conf-file=$tag_mapping_file comment="$remark"

$remark (in my case) contains the timestamp of the base OSM data that was used to create the maps.

Would be great if there would be a possibility that Oruxmaps displays that comment (probably also more use cases than just the timestamp, but that's what i use the information for.

This works great for example with emux's Atlas application">

Menu: Vector -> Map Info.

Maybe other map formats like garmin .img do also contain some metadata that would be interesting for the user which could be shown depending on the type of map that is used.

Thanks for considering.

Regards Rainer


I'm testing at the moment the current beta, it works very well.

The map viewer is now very good.

The new icon set is mutch better than the old one.

The only bug that I've found is that the map index no longer works, it starts the settings now.  :(




Hi Orux,

first of all I'd ask if you can post a reply to the thread when you update the beta. If you only edit the first post we don't get a notification. I entirely missed the last two betas.

Regarding the new status bar, it's nice and easier to read. I think the only missing thing is a map north indication. When you rotate the map, unless there is text visible, you don't know where the north is. It could be implemented with a second arrow in a different colour behind the compass, so that we can check at a glance the alignment.

Speaking of compass, it's not the first time that I see it almost stuck, pointing to the wrong direction. When this happens I launch GPS Toolbox and the compass starts to work ok again even when I close it and go back to Oruxmaps. It's really strange, maybe there is some function that triggers a compass recalibration that can be used?

The icons seem ok now, but I see the same one is used for both Mapsforge style (in the menu) and map index (in the toolbar) which is confusing.

The new zoom snap option is great and terrible at the same time

It's great because I can jump a whole zoom level with just a short impulse.

But there is a side effect. Let's say I'm at 100% ZL15. I pinch zoom in and then without lifting the fingers I zoom back to 95% or 105% ZL15. I'd expect the snap zoom to go back to 100% ZL15, but instead it always goes to ZL14 or ZL16. It's annoying and counter-intuitive.

Ideally any value between 75% and 150% should not change the zoom level, but I see how this can work against the first case. So what about this? if the user pinch zooms quickly even by a little amount in a single direction the zooming action is continued until the next/previous level. However if the user moves slowly and/or zooms in both directions the 75-150% threshold is applied. Kinda like the scrolling in Chrome, move slowly and the action stops immediately, "launch" the page and it continues to scroll.

Then there is a thing about zoom/pan not related with the beta. When panning/zooming a mapsforge map in a cached area the action is very fast and fluid, but if a tile needs to be drawn it can take seconds. What about pre-rendering adjacent tiles and the next/previous zoom levels? There would be a noticeable performance gain. Yes, I know, this will drain the battery a bit more. But in my experience what really drains the battery is the screen, especially outdoors. I think it's very possible that the pre-rendering actually saves the battery since you reduce the time spent waiting in front of a blank screen.

Apart from this it seems very stable and runs well, great work as usual.


Hi Orux,

with the new beta7 this old issue is back again ...  :roll:">//


Quote from: "jonny-blue"Hi Orux,

with the new beta7 this old issue is back again ...  :roll:">//

opsss, I have to correct the original google docs,




Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "jonny-blue"Hi Orux,

with the new beta7 this old issue is back again ...  :roll:">//

opsss, I have to correct the original google docs,



Updated beta8 that should solve that problem



Does anyone have the 5.5.23beta7 apk that they can post here, or direct me to where I can find it?


Quote from: "skibum218"Does anyone have the 5.5.23beta7 apk that they can post here, or direct me to where I can find it?


why do you need the beta7 and you don't use the beta8?
