Swap ALL paths in one place (root sd)

Started by febs, June 25, 2014, 01:12:48 PM

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I often change phone and I always have to manually change the paths for Oruxmaps according to how the sdcard is referenced in the phone, like



and the like.

So every time, one by one, I have to edit the DEM directory, the map folder, the map styles...

What about setting ONE root for all, then each user could customize single paths if needed?



Yes, please. On first time starting up OM on phone it should ask where you want the whole OM directory placed.

I just got a new phone that uses internal sdcard with external ref'd @ "/sdcard/external_sd/". I want to point at external but it defaults to internal. As it is now, I can only have OM point at some stuff on external while everything else is internal. This is really messy!


The problem is that if you use more than one app you may want to share some folders (maps,  DEMs) and not others (tracklogs,  waypoints) so one may want keep the map folder in a "neutral" position.


Yes, a global move of data with the option to reset or leave all existing custom folders. The main issue is that things like cache and track logs aren't currently moveable and they take up a large amount of internal memory, so all these currently unmovable folders could be moved with this new function.