Missing Tiles when downloading OpenTopo Maps?

Started by Explorer, March 01, 2019, 06:33:26 PM

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I have been trying to download some topo maps from open source "OpenTopo" with my Android (Samsung) Tablet using Oruxmaps Donate version 7.4.12 "online" and saving them for offline use.  The problem I keep running in to is that only about 40%-50% of the individual map tiles in the area I select will download, thus leaving a lot of blank areas in my downloaded map.  One area I have tried downloading with this happening is the Paiute OHV Trail System in Utah, United States.  The total area I selected to download, when selecting levels 7-15, is made up of just over 12,000 tiles and about 125 Mb in size, but when the download is complete it tells me I have over 7,000 missing tiles.  I had the same thing happen for another area in Kentucky, United States with a topo map of about 1,300 map tiles and 37 Mb in size, again selecting levels to download of 7-15, when the download is complete it tells me I have about 300 missing tiles.  It seems that when the total amount of map tiles selected to download reaches about 50% of the total tiles to download the download speed greatly slows down to a snails pace.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what to try to avoid having missing tiles in their maps they download "online" with Oruxmaps?  Thank You.


OpenTopo maps responds very slowly, sometimes about 15 - 30 sec by tile.

Also, sometimes some regions closed for technical reasons, and the server is not responding, instead of some answer.

I use OruxMaps with local cache/proxy and pre-download maps via cache downloader. This reduces losses tiles.


Stager, thank you for the information.


Personnally I'm creating offline maps on my laptop, using MOBAC, which allow to create maps with a lot of various sources, including OpenTopoMap.

And with this methodology, never had issue of missing tiles.

You can find MOBAC here : https://mobac.sourceforge.io/">https://mobac.sourceforge.io/

BTW, when creating maps on MOBAC, it's better to generate atlas in "MBTiles" format rather than "OruxMaps" format, even for use it on OruxMaps. Faster to generate, and works better in Orux.