showing km symbols

Started by wolfgang61, March 11, 2019, 11:47:24 AM

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when you introduced that option, you showed one symbol per km when zooming in.

Later you changed that such that the minimal distance between 2 points is 5km.

Now I mostly cannot see any point at all because I would have to zoom out.

My wish would be:

- Ensure that always at least one such symbol is visible.

- if the distance between current position and that symbol is greater than 1km, make sure that at least 2 symbols are shown, one before and one after the current position

Side remark: Showing km values 1000km or more does not work very well. If I remember correctly, the first digit is suppressed.


One more thing: The settings say

Draw a Waypoint each distance unit in active route.

which is wrong - that would mean one waypoint for every km for all zoom levels


Hi Wolfgang,

the tracks, where you see the  km symbols only every 5 or maybe 25 km, are these tracks longer than 100km?

I noticed the same as you, but i believe with tracks shorter than 100km, i see the symbol every km, in an appropriate zoomlevel.



You are right, 100km seems to be a limit. I tried a shorter track and I observed the same as you.

But I am not going faster on longer tracks, so removing that limit would certainly help me.

I believe that limit is there for not having too many km symbols. But there must be other

ways to limit them, maybe depending only on the current scale