Understanding oruxmaps offline raster format (sqlite)

Started by dimmel, July 13, 2014, 05:01:33 PM

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I am trying to convert between Oruxmaps SQLite raster map files (with xml) and Locus SQLite raster map files. The Locus format is very straight forward: each tile is represented by it's x/y coordinate and a zoom level. But how is the Oruxmaps format defined? In detail, how can I map some Locus tile x/y/z to a tile in the Oruxmap file?



Quote from: "dimmel"Hello,

I am trying to convert between Oruxmaps SQLite raster map files (with xml) and Locus SQLite raster map files. The Locus format is very straight forward: each tile is represented by it's x/y coordinate and a zoom level. But how is the Oruxmaps format defined? In detail, how can I map some Locus tile x/y/z to a tile in the Oruxmap file?



the tiles are stored in a table, using coordinates x, y, z.

x, y-> integers that indicates the position of the tile in the horizontal/vertical dimensions, starting at zero, from top-left corner.

z-> zoom level of the tile.

but you need to interpret the xml file attached to the database in order to obtain:

the size of the tiles (may be 128/256/512px)

projection in which the map was created

the coordinates of the four corners (always in WGS84 coordinate system)

optional: the original map datum used.

Note that is a format that allows maps from any size/scale/coordinate system; I don't know the equivalences with locus maps.

But if you want to work with maps always using google coordinate system, it is easier.



it is very easy to go from any format to orux via mobac.

unfortunately it is impossible to go from orux to any other format.

i would like a tool from orux to mbtiles or plain xyz.


Quote from: "rvb"it is very easy to go from any format to orux via mobac.

unfortunately it is impossible to go from orux to any other format.

i would like a tool from orux to mbtiles or plain xyz.

I agree. My intention was to write a little conversion tool from Orux format so that the maps can also be used with Mobac as input source.

Other formats (such as the standard format used by Locus) have a fixed top left corner which corresponds to the slippy format used by OSM. If I understand orux's answer correctly, then for each zoom level the top left corner can vary. Taking the slippy tile conversion formulas (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames#Lon..2Flat._to_tile_numbers">http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slip ... le_numbers">http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames#Lon..2Flat._to_tile_numbers) I assume this means, that the top left corner defined for a zoom level has to be substracted from the actual coordindate.


What unit are the MapDimensions' width/height?

<MapChunks xMax="1" yMax="1" datum="WGS84" projection="Mercator" img_height="512" img_width="512" file_name="Layer 09" />
<MapDimensions height="512" width="512" />


You can see and download every BLOB in a .DB file using "DB browser for SQlite" (https://sqlitebrowser.org/">https://sqlitebrowser.org/). However, there may be hundreds of them, and they are not georeferenced. This points to a fundamental property of the map database, in that it is composed of numerous tiles, not a single, scalable image.