[Bug] loading multi-level map under different projection

Started by guoke, August 13, 2014, 06:38:09 PM

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[Bug] Projection is ignored when loading multi-layer map under different projection

Steps to reproduce:

1. Using OruxMapsDesktop to convert png map to OruxMaps map package.

- a.db and a.otrk2.xml are generated by a.png (level 16, created by MOBAC, Mercator projection).

- b.db and b.otrk2.xml are generated by b.png (level 17, created by MOBAC, Mercator projection).

- c.db and c.otrk2.xml are generated by c.png (level 15, created by Global Mapper: contours generated by ASTER GDEM V2 + a.png,  UTM projection).

2. Merge a.db and b.db into 1 db file (using sqlite3.exe), merge a.otrk2.xml and b.otrk2.xml into 1 xml file.

   Copy this map package to mobile phone.

   Then you will find it is successfully loaded by OruxMaps, and once zoom in/out button is clicked, the correct level of map is loaded, without deviation.

3. Merge a.db, b.db and c.db into 1 db file (using sqlite3.exe), merge a.otrk2.xml, b.otrk2.xml and c.otrk2.xml into 1 xml file.

   Copy this map package to mobile phone. (Delete map package copied in step 2 first)

   Then you will find it is successfully loaded by OruxMaps, and once zoom in/out button is clicked,  deviation appeared when switching between level 15 and level 16, but no deviation when switching between level 16 and level 17.

I guess this is because Oruxmaps ignores projection attribute specified in each layer level section inside xml file, and assume all layers are under same projection.



Quote from: "guoke"[Bug] Projection is ignored when loading multi-layer map under different projection

Steps to reproduce:

1. Using OruxMapsDesktop to convert png map to OruxMaps map package.

- a.db and a.otrk2.xml are generated by a.png (level 16, created by MOBAC, Mercator projection).

- b.db and b.otrk2.xml are generated by b.png (level 17, created by MOBAC, Mercator projection).

- c.db and c.otrk2.xml are generated by c.png (level 15, created by Global Mapper: contours generated by ASTER GDEM V2 + a.png,  UTM projection).

2. Merge a.db and b.db into 1 db file (using sqlite3.exe), merge a.otrk2.xml and b.otrk2.xml into 1 xml file.

   Copy this map package to mobile phone.

   Then you will find it is successfully loaded by OruxMaps, and once zoom in/out button is clicked, the correct level of map is loaded, without deviation.

3. Merge a.db, b.db and c.db into 1 db file (using sqlite3.exe), merge a.otrk2.xml, b.otrk2.xml and c.otrk2.xml into 1 xml file.

   Copy this map package to mobile phone. (Delete map package copied in step 2 first)

   Then you will find it is successfully loaded by OruxMaps, and once zoom in/out button is clicked,  deviation appeared when switching between level 15 and level 16, but no deviation when switching between level 16 and level 17.

I guess this is because Oruxmaps ignores projection attribute specified in each layer level section inside xml file, and assume all layers are under same projection.



You're right;

So far, it has never been necessary, the maps are typically composed of homogeneous layers. You are the first to attempt to do so.

But you can get exactly the same; if the different projected layer is a different map; OruxMaps will load it when needed, if you zoom and you have enabled the automatic loading of maps when zooming.
