Create Map - Size limitation

Started by hedonist222, September 25, 2014, 08:11:51 AM

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Why are we limited to 512MB map creation sizes?

I have a 32GB that I would like to utilize for maps larger than just 512MB.

why put a limitation?



i'm waiting also for the bigger mapsize.


I've found a way around it.

Tedious but it works.

Keep making little maps till you've covered the area you need.


Hei, (Hola in finnish)
This is an old topic, but I'm wondering this same question.
Would it be possible to increase the maximum size (from current 1024Mb) of the map that can be generated with the map create tool?

Greetings from Finland,


I'm interested in this too... nowadays the phone/tablet storage and memory capacity has increased significantly over the last years.


Hi all,
according to me, the best solution is to do not create maps using OruxMaps itself, but an external tool, named MOBAC (runs with java, and then as well on windows, mac or linux), that has no real size limitation.
I'm using it to generate all the (offline) maps I'm using with OruxMaps

See here :

PS : BTW, when generating maps for OruxMaps with MOBAC, it's better to generate them in "MBTiles sqlite" format than in "Oruxmaps" format : faster to generate, and keep transparency (if the source map is "transparent"). As efficient to use in OruxMaps than "native" oruxmaps format.


Speaking about mobac, has anything been changed recently with oruxmaps betas?
With the latest releases I am not able to load a map I made with mobac last year.
The same map loads and displays correctly with the normal version of oruxmaps.


I've tried, but hasn't been able to create a source file for Mobac that would allow me to download the maps I wan't (the ones i have fixed on my Orux mapsource file).
