old beta version

Started by orux, January 06, 2015, 06:57:29 PM

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Quote from: "Maki"
All in all I think that for the moment being the best solution for hill-shading is just multiply it on the fully opaque map with a low-ish opacity (~0.3 on mountain areas, something more on flatter terrain) so that colours aren't destroyed in S-E facing slopes. It's fast and easy to implement. Eventually there will probably be direct support in MF, so I'm not sure it's worth the time to implement complicated hacks now.

Personally I'm fine with mulitply and hillshade with white background. I was just thinking that right now only one step (different themes/styles per layer) in OruxMaps is missing for integrating a raster layer in a mapsforge map.

Other things I observed:

- mbtiles maps with 512px tiles aren't working in OruxMaps (I can send a test map if you want, Orux)

- only one composed map is working reliably for me, if I add another one only one can be shown, not matter which I choose

Best regards,



Quote from: "eartrumpet"
Quote from: "Maki"
All in all I think that for the moment being the best solution for hill-shading is just multiply it on the fully opaque map with a low-ish opacity (~0.3 on mountain areas, something more on flatter terrain) so that colours aren't destroyed in S-E facing slopes. It's fast and easy to implement. Eventually there will probably be direct support in MF, so I'm not sure it's worth the time to implement complicated hacks now.

Personally I'm fine with mulitply and hillshade with white background. I was just thinking that right now only one step (different themes/styles per layer) in OruxMaps is missing for integrating a raster layer in a mapsforge map.

Other things I observed:

- mbtiles maps with 512px tiles aren't working in OruxMaps (I can send a test map if you want, Orux)

- only one composed map is working reliably for me, if I add another one only one can be shown, not matter which I choose

Best regards,



I didn't know that mbtiles supports 512px tiles. Please, send me one map.

Please, explain your problem about only one composite map working. The other maps are not listed or not painted?



Quote from: "orux"
I didn't know that mbtiles supports 512px tiles. Please, send me one map.


Quote from: "orux"
Please, explain your problem about only one composite map working. The other maps are not listed or not painted?

It is listed, but a different map that also is listed is getting painted. Both maps contain the same area for testing (although different coverage), and consist of a base mapsforge map (same or different), and a hillshade mbtiles map on top, multiplied.

Best regards,



En beta8. En multitracking antes sólo aparecía la opción de actualizar amigos cuando hacía algún cambio. Ahora está permanentemente y genera duda se si ha actualizado bien.


Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "sergio04"Hola a todos,

Acabo de instalar esta aplicacion en versión beta 7 para probarla. He metido una parte de un mapa topohispania para probar y se me queda el mapa en blanco. Carga el mapa pero se ve solo blanco. ¿Que estoy haciendo mal?



Es un fallo que ya he corregido, el mapa se pinta bien, pero posiblemente lo estés abriendo alejado de la zona donde hay datos, por lo que pinta blanco. El fallo es que indica unos límites de mapa mayores que los reales, por eso se intenta pintar donde no hay nada.


Hola de nuevo,

Pues es verdad. Estaba fuera del mapa. Gracias.



Hola Orux!

It is possible to change the auto segment unit to meters in next version? Currently you can only set in km.

Thank you for your attention and thank you for this great app!


Hola a todos.

Tengo una duda, que quizá el creador de la aplicación (o alguien que controle del tema) me pueda contestar: ¿cuál es la razón de que en la Beta no se pueda visualizar la "Gráfica Altitud" si no están activadas las dos opciones "Grabando un track" y "Siguiendo una ruta"?

Quiero decir: entiendo que sea un requisito necesario tener activada la opción "Seguir una ruta" para que se muestre el perfil de altitud de esa misma ruta que se está siguiendo; pero no entiendo cuál es el requisito que hace que también sea necesario estar grabando un track simultáneamente, para que se pueda visualizar la gráfica de altitud en la pantalla.

Esto lo pregunto porque cuando grabo un track, tengo configurado que se muestre el tiempo y los kilómetros que llevo grabados; cuando sigo una ruta, tengo configurado que se muestre el porcentaje completado y los kilómetros que restan para completarla; y claro, estos cuatro campos, sumados a la propia gráfica de altitud, hacen que la zona de la pantalla donde se ve el mapa y los trazos sea bastante más pequeña, se reduce mucho la visualización del mapa y la ruta.

Además, puede darse el caso de que simplemente no me interese grabar ningún track, sino que sólo quiera seguir una ruta y ver qué perfil de altitud tiene mientras la sigo, nada más.

Imagino que debe haber algún motivo técnico para que esto sea así, pero como no me imagino cuál puede ser, me gustaría saber si alguien puede aclararme esto, por favor.

Un saludo a todos.


Quote from: "martijn"For all the new feature that use 'OruxMaps servers', can I key in a custom hostname / URL, and will the protocols be documented?

I am asking because I am only interested in the features, not the hosted service. In other words, all those features are really interesting to me, but only in a self-hosted environment.

So, please please pleeeease make the hostname/URL a configurable setting. It should be no effort at all to implement that.

Best regards,


I also would like to see some support for self-hosted location service. A very interesting approach is using an MQTT service  https://github.com/mqtt/mqtt.github.io/wiki/MQTT%20Protocol">//https://github.com/mqtt/mqtt.github.io/wiki/MQTT%20Protocol, where an open source implementation is available:  http://mosquitto.org/">//http://mosquitto.org/.

'Owntracks' is already an application using this type of location publication by sending flexible JSON strings to a MQTT service https://github.com/owntracks/owntracks/wiki/JSON">//https://github.com/owntracks/owntracks/wiki/JSON

Would be nice to see this intefrated into oruxmaps.


Hi orux,

are there any problems with oruxmaps server?

I am unable to register a new account, as oruxmap tells me that there is already an account registered.

Probably I'm already registered so I tried to click on "remember password" but I still didn't receive any email.

Thank you


I found a bug:

- Manage tracks/routes

- tap on one

- use "share as..." and "GPX"

-> I get "Error when loading track"

Works well for me on the same device with the current playstore version (same track/database, Motorola Moto G LTE, Android 4.4.4)

Best regards,



Quote from: "goo"Hi orux,

are there any problems with oruxmaps server?

I am unable to register a new account, as oruxmap tells me that there is already an account registered.

Probably I'm already registered so I tried to click on "remember password" but I still didn't receive any email.

Thank you


Yes, the mail service is not working.

I have to restore some services, it will take some time.

The server was compromised by fuk*** spammers!



Quote from: "eartrumpet"I found a bug:

- Manage tracks/routes

- tap on one

- use "share as..." and "GPX"

-> I get "Error when loading track"

Works well for me on the same device with the current playstore version (same track/database, Motorola Moto G LTE, Android 4.4.4)

Best regards,


Thanks, Tobias;

I can not reproduce the bug.

Do the tracklogs/ folder points to a writable folder (not an external sdcard)?



Quote from: "orux"
Do the tracklogs/ folder points to a writable folder (not an external sdcard)?

Strange, the setting pointed to extSD/oruxmaps/tracklogs, although extSD doesn't exist on my device (it's called sdcard1). Changing it to sdcard1 (it is writeable) solved the problem, but I'm clueless about the setting - as I can't select this folder as extSD doesn't exist.

Best regards,



Sorry for off-topic, but orux, could you maybe expand your API so that other app developers could integrate certain stuff with Oruxmaps easier, for example "Pebble Bike" app  (maybe waypoint gps data, current gps position data, etc), see: https://plus.google.com/111806709733848631416/posts/hTTFcDf8dGK">https://plus.google.com/111806709733848 ... TTFcDf8dGK">https://plus.google.com/111806709733848631416/posts/hTTFcDf8dGK



Quote from: "msev"Sorry for off-topic, but orux, could you maybe expand your API so that other app developers could integrate certain stuff with Oruxmaps easier, for example "Pebble Bike" app  (maybe waypoint gps data, current gps position data, etc), see: https://plus.google.com/111806709733848631416/posts/hTTFcDf8dGK">https://plus.google.com/111806709733848 ... TTFcDf8dGK">https://plus.google.com/111806709733848631416/posts/hTTFcDf8dGK



The link is broken.

I will work with OruxMaps integration (external APIs) in next iteration.
