old beta version

Started by orux, January 06, 2015, 06:57:29 PM

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Quote from: "6745th@web.de"
Quote from: "orux"this version includes the new mapsforge libraries, which introduces many improvements -> https://github.com/mapsforge/mapsforge/blob/master/docs/Changelog.md">//https://github.com/mapsforge/mapsforge/blob/master/docs/Changelog.md

I did a very short test with the new mf libraries.

Seems to work, but I think Tobias has to optimize his beautiful elevate themes for the new version.

Actually everybody will need to fix his themes, but the error was before. OM was rendering circles too small, they are now consistent with other MF based apps. I don't know is the fix is from Orux or the new library, but it's ok. I think you are seeing the Tiramisù tiles from the previous cache. At a first sight everything else is correct, so it's trivial to fix.

A note to translators, and a question for Orux. Up to MF 0.4 we had just "themes", that were sometimes referred to as "styles". Now, starting with MF 0.5 a single theme can have multiple styles in it. It would be useful, to avoid confusion, to be consistent with this "official" terminology.

The question, of course, is: will Oruxmaps support these styles?


Ok, yesterday I've done some extensive testing for the SOS feature. I see from the change log that you fixed some bugs, so maybe you already addressed something that I'm going to write. This is referred to beta 2b. I can't verify on the phone now, and my tablet can't send SMS.

First I tried to see what happens in airplane mode and it's weird, because when I start the SOS feature it shows the "send a test message" box. But after I dismiss that it works as expected.

When trying to send the SMS without signal it fails and shows an error number. I could have probably taken a screenshot but a logging feature would be very useful to properly test/debug such a feature. After that it starts again the countdown. I don't think this is a very efficient way of doing it. In fact you can actually know if it will fail, because the phone reports the signal strength. According to Llama docs a value of -150dBm is used for no signal and the signal can go as low as -113dBm. Another thing that can be watched is the Mobile Netwok ID, that's composed of a nation code and an operator code. Trying to blindly send each XX seconds has a very low probability to succeed in intermittent signal areas, and is probably expensive in terms of battery. I'd rather watch signal strength and mobile code to evaluate when there is actually a chance to successfully send. I don't know if you have to constantly poll the system or if you can ask an event.

I then tried to evaluate the sensors threshold. In the preferences you talk about angular movement, but a linear one cancelled the alarm too, which is fine. The thresholds seems high enough to prevent false alarms even with deep and fast breathing. It could be a good idea to list the available sensors, and let the user chose what to use or not. Let's say your accelerometer is known to be unreliable, you can turn it off. But maybe I'm a bit too much paranoid :-)

I then took a 2 hours bike ride with the SOS set to a 1 minute interval. It reliably kicked in each time I stopped for whatever reason. It also cancelled, after playing the notification two times when I moved even if sometimes it gave me the impression of a too high threshold. But in a single occasion I heard the notification a couple of times and then nothing. The phone was in the backpack, immobile on the ground. Apparently it cancelled, but it shouldn't have done it. Again a detailed logging would be very useful.

Speaking of thresholds I see that you increased the radius from 50 to 100 meters which is probably overkill. What about making this radius variable, as a function of the GPS error? It would automatically take care of tunnels and buildings while being more accurate in normal conditions. When moving slowly in a village the SOS kicked in a few times. Ok, I had a 1 minute interval which is really short.

One thing I didn't appreciate at all, even if in this phase it may be useful for debugging, is that the countdown is started and then cancelled is a sensor catches a movement. I'd check the sensors for some 10-15 seconds before starting the countdown, to avoid unnecessary notifications. Still, cancelling with a sharp movement should be kept, it's just handy.

Finally, talking about this feature with other people it turned out that a lot of people don't record tracks because they have no use for that and it eats the battery. They just turn the GPS on if/when they need to read the map, and turn recording on only if they think they could have a need to backtrack. So they basically can't use this feature. What about making it independent from track logging? If the GPS is already on, it is used as the main sensor to detect activity, and the others are activated as a second level verify once the alert situation is detected. If the GPS isn't in use you can poll the other sensors every few minutes without too much impact on battery life. If a poll gives low readings you start polling with a higher frequency, if the readings are still low you turn on the GPS as a final verification (and to get the position for the SOS). Maybe right now it would complicate things too much, but at a later stage I think it could be evaluated.



Quote from: "Maki"
Quote from: "6745th@web.de"
Quote from: "orux"this version includes the new mapsforge libraries, which introduces many improvements -> https://github.com/mapsforge/mapsforge/blob/master/docs/Changelog.md">//https://github.com/mapsforge/mapsforge/blob/master/docs/Changelog.md

I did a very short test with the new mf libraries.

Seems to work, but I think Tobias has to optimize his beautiful elevate themes for the new version.

Actually everybody will need to fix his themes, but the error was before. OM was rendering circles too small, they are now consistent with other MF based apps. I don't know is the fix is from Orux or the new library, but it's ok. I think you are seeing the Tiramisù tiles from the previous cache. At a first sight everything else is correct, so it's trivial to fix.

A note to translators, and a question for Orux. Up to MF 0.4 we had just "themes", that were sometimes referred to as "styles". Now, starting with MF 0.5 a single theme can have multiple styles in it. It would be useful, to avoid confusion, to be consistent with this "official" terminology.

The question, of course, is: will Oruxmaps support these styles?


The fix should come from the new library, because I haven't changed any about that in the libraries.

Yes, I am working with v4 render themes.

I am working with the test v4 theme that I found in a sample app, but it is embedded in the assets; do you know an external compatible v4 theme?



Quote from: "orux"Hello;

We started a new series of beta versions, with major changes.

Hope you like.

It is the first trial, please try carefully.

The new options are explained here, PLEASE, READ THIS BEFORE STARTING-->http://oruxmaps.com/beta_om.pdf">//http://oruxmaps.com/beta_om.pdf

It is important to register as a user, to use all the features!



.-added support to mapsforge renderthemes v4. If you load a mapsforge map, now you have two buttons under 'maps' button; one to change the mapsforge theme, another one to tweak current theme, if it is a v4 theme. If you select the default mapsforge theme, it should have different options to tweak.


.-started the test version with mapsforge 0.5.0 library

.-mapsforge style selection moved to 'maps' button'

.-lock/unlock online map tiles download moved to 'maps' button.

.-GPS tweaks and barometer calibration (if available) moved to 'tracks' button.

.-solved some bugs with SOS SMS message



.-more settings for SOS alarm:

1.-test the SOS SMS sending a test message from your device

2.-it can use orientation sensors to cancel the alarm. WARNING! in some tests, phone vibration (an incoming call,...) could cancel the alarm.

3.-you can select send a link or only the coordinates.

.-some changes in SOS alarm:

1.-if the SMS is sent successfully, then OruxMaps will stop recording, to save battery

2.-if it fails to send the SMS, it will try again, the attempts will be spaced in time.

3.-after 3 fails, OruxMaps will entry in power saving mode, and the display will be turned off.



.-bugs correction.

.-added 'following route altitude graphic'. Only works in 'following route' + track logging mode. Enable this in settings--user interface--dashboard--show altitude graph. Change background color in settings--user interface--colors--graphics background.





Quote from: "Maki"
Quote from: "6745th@web.de"
Quote from: "orux"this version includes the new mapsforge libraries, which introduces many improvements -> https://github.com/mapsforge/mapsforge/blob/master/docs/Changelog.md">//https://github.com/mapsforge/mapsforge/blob/master/docs/Changelog.md

I did a very short test with the new mf libraries.

Seems to work, but I think Tobias has to optimize his beautiful elevate themes for the new version.

Actually everybody will need to fix his themes, but the error was before. OM was rendering circles too small, they are now consistent with other MF based apps. I don't know is the fix is from Orux or the new library, but it's ok. I think you are seeing the Tiramisù tiles from the previous cache. At a first sight everything else is correct, so it's trivial to fix.

A note to translators, and a question for Orux. Up to MF 0.4 we had just "themes", that were sometimes referred to as "styles". Now, starting with MF 0.5 a single theme can have multiple styles in it. It would be useful, to avoid confusion, to be consistent with this "official" terminology.

The question, of course, is: will Oruxmaps support these styles?

Hi, Maki;

updated the beta4 to ad support to renderthemes v4.

it seems that it is quite easy to do that.

I haven't found external v4 themes, but the mapsforge sample theme (now selected as default theme) is a v4 theme.



Quote from: "orux"
updated the beta4 to ad support to renderthemes v4.

it seems that it is quite easy to do that.

I haven't found external v4 themes, but the mapsforge sample theme (now selected as default theme) is a v4 theme.

Hi Orux,

I just made a quick new version/preview of Elevate which uses styles instead of extra variation files and svg icons:


This way it will be much easier to maintain the theme and make additional variations.

This is mainly just a conversion of the previous themes with some extra styles and tests of priority/display, but good to test styles and svg.

Thanks for moving the "mapsforge theme" button to the maps menu. Why is there an additional step when I use the "tweak mapsforge theme" button (screen: map style for rendertheme v4)? I think it would be better if the map stylemenu would show up without that screen.

Best regards,



Quote from: "eartrumpet"Why is there an additional step when I use the "tweak mapsforge theme" button (screen: map style for rendertheme v4)? I think it would be better if the map stylemenu would show up without that screen.

Oh, just had a look at the default theme, that's for optional overlays... so it makes sense :-)


The new theme selector is perfect, except maybe for the red border which is inconsistent with the otherwise similar "switch map here" selector.

About the theme tweaker dialogue I had exactly Tobias' reaction. The overlay feature is a very welcome (and undocumented) feature. But the current dialogue box for themes without overlays it is actually quite weird because of the apparent two-steps operation; what's worse, on themes with overlays unaware people may entirely miss the existence of styles. If possible I'd put in the same view both styles (on top with radio buttons) and overlays (just below, with checkboxes); the catch is that while styles are a fixed list overlays aren't and need to be dynamically updated when the user changes the style.



Quote from: "eartrumpet"
Quote from: "orux"
updated the beta4 to ad support to renderthemes v4.

it seems that it is quite easy to do that.

I haven't found external v4 themes, but the mapsforge sample theme (now selected as default theme) is a v4 theme.

Hi Orux,

I just made a quick new version/preview of Elevate which uses styles instead of extra variation files and svg icons:


This way it will be much easier to maintain the theme and make additional variations.

This is mainly just a conversion of the previous themes with some extra styles and tests of priority/display, but good to test styles and svg.

Thanks for moving the "mapsforge theme" button to the maps menu. Why is there an additional step when I use the "tweak mapsforge theme" button (screen: map style for rendertheme v4)? I think it would be better if the map stylemenu would show up without that screen.

Best regards,


Wow that was a fast implementation.

Looks great.

Turning circles are also ok now.

One idea:

If I select "cycling" style, I can select mtb.

Now OM shows colored trials.

When I uncheck MTB OM should show a normal path/way.

Is that possible with the new theme format?

Danke Thomas


Quote from: "6745th@web.de"
Wow that was a fast implementation.

It's probably better to discuss this in the Elevate thread, I answered there.


Quote from: "orux"
I haven't found external v4 themes, but the mapsforge sample theme (now selected as default theme) is a v4 theme.

I made a test theme with both styles and overlays


XML only, it needs the resource folder from Tiramisù 2.

To me it seems that everything works correctly, and I find especially nice that the tweaks are remembered when switching back and forth between themes. In perspective, maybe a "reset defaults" option could be useful for complex themes with a lot of overlays/styles. Maybe not.


Muy buenas!

Ante todo siento llegar tarde con el tema del SMS SOS, pero es el tema que me trae, hasta hoy no lo había probado, ya que en principio los uso sin SIM por tema de consumo de batería, pero la verdad esta opción me gusta y me estaba planteando poner una SIM activa por ello. El caso es que tengo tres teléfonos y en ninguno de ellos me funciona. Los tres son ya cacharros viejos, pero es lo que hay.

En todos ellos enviar SMS desde la aplicación del propio teléfono funciona. El primero es mi Defy en el cual tengo instalado ROM CM11, que uso a diario y que no planteo usarlo para el monte, pero llegado el caso si funcionara pues lo dedicaría a tal fin. En este si hago la prueba de enviar SMS SOS sale un mensaje diciendo que verifique la recepción del mensaje en el teléfono al que se ha enviado, pero no envía nada.

El segundo es otro Defy, este con CM7, en este al confirmar para enviar mensaje se fuerza el cierre de Orux.

Por último he probado en el Sony X10mini pro con CM7 también y ocurre igual que en el Defy con CM7, se fuerza el cierre de Orux. El Sony la verdad lo uso para correr por lo cual esta función pues me daría un poco igual, pero bueno probando es lo que hay.

Te dejo enlace a los registros de alogcat en los tres, no se si podras solucionar algo, pues lo cierto es que son ROM modificadas las tres. He revisado las diferentes opciones de configuración de los tres teléfonos por si hubiera algo que bloqueara el envio de los SMS y desde luego no lo veo. Todo esto es con la BETA4.

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B00F9XnJ4G3eWGdmVGN6VjlnNDA&usp=sharing">https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing">https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B00F9XnJ4G3eWGdmVGN6VjlnNDA&usp=sharing

Muchas gracias y saludos.


Hi Orux,

I am trying out the new features of mapsforge 0.5 and I made several overlays:

http://www.openandromaps.org/wp-content/users/tobias/test/Elevate.zip">http://www.openandromaps.org/wp-content ... levate.zip">http://www.openandromaps.org/wp-content/users/tobias/test/Elevate.zip

Now it's a bit cumbersome to deselect all overlays for just viewing one, and reselect all again. Would it be possible to add a select all/select none button?

Best regards,



Quote from: "Josean"Muy buenas!

Ante todo siento llegar tarde con el tema del SMS SOS, pero es el tema que me trae, hasta hoy no lo había probado, ya que en principio los uso sin SIM por tema de consumo de batería, pero la verdad esta opción me gusta y me estaba planteando poner una SIM activa por ello. El caso es que tengo tres teléfonos y en ninguno de ellos me funciona. Los tres son ya cacharros viejos, pero es lo que hay.

En todos ellos enviar SMS desde la aplicación del propio teléfono funciona. El primero es mi Defy en el cual tengo instalado ROM CM11, que uso a diario y que no planteo usarlo para el monte, pero llegado el caso si funcionara pues lo dedicaría a tal fin. En este si hago la prueba de enviar SMS SOS sale un mensaje diciendo que verifique la recepción del mensaje en el teléfono al que se ha enviado, pero no envía nada.

El segundo es otro Defy, este con CM7, en este al confirmar para enviar mensaje se fuerza el cierre de Orux.

Por último he probado en el Sony X10mini pro con CM7 también y ocurre igual que en el Defy con CM7, se fuerza el cierre de Orux. El Sony la verdad lo uso para correr por lo cual esta función pues me daría un poco igual, pero bueno probando es lo que hay.

Te dejo enlace a los registros de alogcat en los tres, no se si podras solucionar algo, pues lo cierto es que son ROM modificadas las tres. He revisado las diferentes opciones de configuración de los tres teléfonos por si hubiera algo que bloqueara el envio de los SMS y desde luego no lo veo. Todo esto es con la BETA4.

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B00F9XnJ4G3eWGdmVGN6VjlnNDA&usp=sharing">https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing">https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B00F9XnJ4G3eWGdmVGN6VjlnNDA&usp=sharing

Muchas gracias y saludos.


Fallaba el mensaje de prueba por tener un tamaño excesivo al contener caracteres especiales, ya lo he cambiado en la última beta5.

En los tlf que se te bloquea, prueba ahora con la beta5; es un error muy extraño, no sé por qué se produce en esas versiones de android. Pero prueba también a poner 1 minuto en la configuración de 'SOS mensaje', activar la grabación de un track, y esperar que la app intente enviar el mensaje (con la función de mensaje SOS activa), porque utiliza una forma diferente a la de test. A ver qué pasa.

En el tlf que te dice que se ha enviado el mensaje, esta vez debe ser verdad.



Quote from: "eartrumpet"Hi Orux,

I am trying out the new features of mapsforge 0.5 and I made several overlays:

http://www.openandromaps.org/wp-content/users/tobias/test/Elevate.zip">http://www.openandromaps.org/wp-content ... levate.zip">http://www.openandromaps.org/wp-content/users/tobias/test/Elevate.zip

Now it's a bit cumbersome to deselect all overlays for just viewing one, and reselect all again. Would it be possible to add a select all/select none button?

Best regards,



updated to beta5, with that button (if there are more than one overlay)
