old beta version

Started by orux, January 06, 2015, 06:57:29 PM

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Quote from: "z3us"Lo he intentado con WiFi, al lado de mi router, y me sale esto

OK, gracias;

En el visor de mapas normal, ves el mapa correctamente completo?



Sí, se descarga correctamente


Quote from: "z3us"Sí, se descarga correctamente


lo miro, última prueba, pon en el visor otro mapa online (openstreetmap, por ejemplo) y dime,




Aunque tarda un poco, por eso digo que a lo mejor toma la captura demasiado pronto, no sé


Pues con openstreetmap sí que sale bien

Por lo que estoy viendo , sólo falla con el raster ign, que deja de cargar cuadros.


Quote from: "z3us"Pues con openstreetmap sí que sale bien

Por lo que estoy viendo , sólo falla con el raster ign, que deja de cargar cuadros.

Es un servidor muy lento;

yo creo que si lo dejas un rato, terminaría de cargarse, antes de darle al botón 'compartir'



Qué va, no se cargan. Y es muy raro, porque siempre aparecen los mismos cuadros en negro o cargando. ¿A nadie más le pasa?


At a first try the composite maps have two problems:

1) When I switch to the multi-map it works, but if I zoom out only the base is shown

2) the base map drives the zoom. I'm using an mbtiles base that tops at zl16 with openandromaps on top. If I zoom past that the oam map is digitally zoomed too.

I think it would be better to render each map at its native tile size. Is it really impossible? If yes I'd rather apply a digital zoom to the 256px one rather than screw up the rendering of the 512px one.



Forget about point 1. It's just slow to appear.

It is very promising, I have to find the time to build a theme with transparent background, if it works it's wonderful.



I did try to install on my Motorola Defy with Gingerbread Android but I got an error during the apk validation.

Is this version supposed to still work on my old device ?




Hi Orux,

I like the new feature with composite offline maps! I'm trying to combine a dowloaded hillshade map with mapsforge maps.

Some observations/wishes:

- Sometimes both maps are shown and work as expected, sometimes only the hillshade is shown (esp. when scrolling/zooming when previous view hasn't be fully rendered). Restarting OruxMaps solves this.

- The mapsforge options are not available (choose/tweak mapsforge theme), it would be good to have them.

- It would be nice to have an option that the raster map would be digitally zoomed if the other map has more zoom levels, instead of not showing it at all.

Best regards,



Hi Orux,

Did you change the barometer calibration behaviour?

E.g. If I am at 100m (DEM) and when I start the gps, Orux calibrate my altitude to 100m. that is as expected.

But when I select menu, arrow up, calibrate barometer, I get a message

"Hold position and wait 1-4 minutes"

Now the altitude is moving several meters up and down and i get an altitude which differs eg 10m from the DEM altitude. Is there now the gps altitude used?

My setting is set to calibrate via DEM.

Rest is fine, I did a 5 hours trip with om yesterday:lol:

Greetings Thomas


Quote from: "Maki"It is very promising, I have to find the time to build a theme with transparent background, if it works it's wonderful.

I did a quick test and apparently either MF doesn't output RGBA or OruxMaps isn't using the alpha channel. So It's not really possible to use, for example, Mapsforge maps to draw fully opaque highways on top of other maps.

Would it be possible to have a "multiply" checkbox as an option?


Hola a todos,

Acabo de instalar esta aplicacion en versión beta 7 para probarla. He metido una parte de un mapa topohispania para probar y se me queda el mapa en blanco. Carga el mapa pero se ve solo blanco. ¿Que estoy haciendo mal?



The compass in the beta7 works only if phone is in vertical position. This does not happen in stable version.