old beta version

Started by orux, January 06, 2015, 06:57:29 PM

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He instalado la version de googleplay y me carga correctamente el mapa.


Quote from: "eartrumpet"Hi Orux,

I like the new feature with composite offline maps! I'm trying to combine a dowloaded hillshade map with mapsforge maps.

Some observations/wishes:

- Sometimes both maps are shown and work as expected, sometimes only the hillshade is shown (esp. when scrolling/zooming when previous view hasn't be fully rendered). Restarting OruxMaps solves this.

- The mapsforge options are not available (choose/tweak mapsforge theme), it would be good to have them.

- It would be nice to have an option that the raster map would be digitally zoomed if the other map has more zoom levels, instead of not showing it at all.

Best regards,


Thanks, Tobias;

about the first problem, I think I have solved it for next release,

about the other questions, I will try to add those features.



Quote from: "6745th@web.de"Hi Orux,

Did you change the barometer calibration behaviour?

E.g. If I am at 100m (DEM) and when I start the gps, Orux calibrate my altitude to 100m. that is as expected.

But when I select menu, arrow up, calibrate barometer, I get a message

"Hold position and wait 1-4 minutes"

Now the altitude is moving several meters up and down and i get an altitude which differs eg 10m from the DEM altitude. Is there now the gps altitude used?

My setting is set to calibrate via DEM.

Rest is fine, I did a 5 hours trip with om yesterday:lol:

Greetings Thomas


The 'select menu, arrow up, calibrate barometer,' always does a calibration with GPS or manual.

I will try to add a new option to do the calibration with DEM files.



Quote from: "Maki"
Quote from: "Maki"It is very promising, I have to find the time to build a theme with transparent background, if it works it's wonderful.

I did a quick test and apparently either MF doesn't output RGBA or OruxMaps isn't using the alpha channel. So It's not really possible to use, for example, Mapsforge maps to draw fully opaque highways on top of other maps.

Would it be possible to have a "multiply" checkbox as an option?


OruxMaps uses the tiles as they are provided by the mapsforge libraries. I will check if they always use a background when painting the data.

Yes, the 'multiply' option will be a good option.



Quote from: "sergio04"Hola a todos,

Acabo de instalar esta aplicacion en versión beta 7 para probarla. He metido una parte de un mapa topohispania para probar y se me queda el mapa en blanco. Carga el mapa pero se ve solo blanco. ¿Que estoy haciendo mal?



Es un fallo que ya he corregido, el mapa se pinta bien, pero posiblemente lo estés abriendo alejado de la zona donde hay datos, por lo que pinta blanco. El fallo es que indica unos límites de mapa mayores que los reales, por eso se intenta pintar donde no hay nada.



Quote from: "orux"
Thanks, Tobias;

about the first problem, I think I have solved it for next release,

about the other questions, I will try to add those features.


Thanks a lot!

Two other things:

- For composite maps, what about Mercartor maps in OruxMaps format that have been created with other tools (Mobac, OruxMapsDesktop)? If the source is the same in Mobac as in OruxMaps, it would be nice to use maps downloaded there too.

- Mapsforge 0.5.1 was released yesterday: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mapsforge-dev/CyE7_p_GIzQ">https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic ... yE7_p_GIzQ">https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mapsforge-dev/CyE7_p_GIzQ It fixes some bugs (besides other things) with new introduced features of rendertheme v4 of mapsforge 0.5, so it would be great if it could already be used in OruxMaps

Best regards,



Quote from: "eartrumpet"
Quote from: "orux"
Thanks, Tobias;

about the first problem, I think I have solved it for next release,

about the other questions, I will try to add those features.


Thanks a lot!

Two other things:

- For composite maps, what about Mercartor maps in OruxMaps format that have been created with other tools (Mobac, OruxMapsDesktop)? If the source is the same in Mobac as in OruxMaps, it would be nice to use maps downloaded there too.

- Mapsforge 0.5.1 was released yesterday: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mapsforge-dev/CyE7_p_GIzQ">https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic ... yE7_p_GIzQ">https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mapsforge-dev/CyE7_p_GIzQ It fixes some bugs (besides other things) with new introduced features of rendertheme v4 of mapsforge 0.5, so it would be great if it could already be used in OruxMaps

Best regards,


Hi, Tobias;

New beta with 0.5.1 libraries.

I have found the option to get 'transparent' mapsforge tiles. Used if the mapsforge layer isn't the base layer.



Quote from: "orux"
Hi, Tobias;

New beta with 0.5.1 libraries.

I have found the option to get 'transparent' mapsforge tiles. Used if the mapsforge layer isn't the base layer.

Thanks, that was fast.

I can't enter negative values for transparency, Google Keyboard (Numbers mode), Android 4.4.4

Best regards,



Quote from: "eartrumpet"
Quote from: "orux"
Hi, Tobias;

New beta with 0.5.1 libraries.

I have found the option to get 'transparent' mapsforge tiles. Used if the mapsforge layer isn't the base layer.

Thanks, that was fast.

I can't enter negative values for transparency, Google Keyboard (Numbers mode), Android 4.4.4

Best regards,



0.0 is also used as 'multiply' indicator.



I gave Beta8 a try, not as deep as I'd like, but I'm too short in time right now. I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting something, but here are my impressions.

The good:

- we can  now change the mapsforge theme in composite maps

- transparency in MF work perfectly

The bad:

- if I try to use "tweak Mapsforge theme" with composite maps the app crashes

- if I use a theme with transparent background outside of a composite map it is painted black. I'd rather use white, and the same applies to raster maps

- rmap cannot be used in composite map. I have maps that I generate in mbtiles and then convert to rmap for compatibility with CompeGPS. They are not re-projected, just converted with MOBAC so they should work fine (it's really the same data)

- I can't enter negative values (swiftkey keyboard). The 0.0 trick works but we can't set opacity

- I can't edit multimaps parameters, I have to delete and create a new one

- can't escape the map chooser  with the red border dialogue tapping outside of it, like it was before. I have to reach the back arrow, which is inconvenient (especially because I'm used to do it the other way)

My tests.

1 - Old raster map with highways from OAM on top.

Both maps set to 1.0, the OAM is used with a transparent background. It works beautifully, the only "problem" is that the MF maps uses 256px tiles, which alters the rendering. It's not a big problem, it is actually really usable, but it would be better to have all maps at their native tile size.

2 - OAM with semitransparent background on top of low resolution hillshading mbtiles

I made an hillshading background in mbtiles with only ZL 11. It works at ZL11, but any other ZL is digitally zoomed. This is fine for the background, but the top layer should be drawn at native resolution otherwise it is useless.

3 - OAM with semitransparent background on top of high resolution hillshading mbtiles

Same as above, but the mbtiles is generated with all ZL up to 16. It works, except that the file size is huge, and I mean HUGE. This is not a viable solution for real use, but to see how things work it can do. My idea was to use half transparent textures in the MF theme and fully opaque highways, buildings and icons. It works up to a point, there are two problems in MF and OAM:

- the sea is drawn below everything else, and with half transparent landuse it would show through. Solution: make "natural=sea" totally transparent and paint the sea in the mbtiles file. It just works.

- on top of "natural=sea" there is "natural=nosea" that needs to be semi-transparent to tone down the shading. The problem is that textures for landuse are painted on top of that "natural=nosea", and so the hillshading effect almost vanishes. I have to try better with textures that have a lighter degree of transparency but I'm not optimist. In theory this could be solved on the map creation phase, in practice I suppose it's too heavy to do, maybe Tobias knows better.

4 - OAM with hillshading multiplied

We discussed this before. I don't really like this way of applying the shade, because it applies to everything, but looks like that for the moment being this is the only viable solution. The problems:

- the effect is too heavy. I can make it lighter when creating the mbtiles, but it would be better to have an opacity setting

- the zoom level problem explained in test 2. Ideally we only need ZL11, digitally scaled at other ZLs, for a good effect from 90m DEMs which is plenty enough for the current generation of Mapsforge maps.

You can download a couple of test themes and the hillshading files here:


You also need Alps West or Italy from OAM.


Quote from: "Maki"I gave Beta8 a try, not as deep as I'd like, but I'm too short in time right now. I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting something, but here are my impressions.

The good:

- we can  now change the mapsforge theme in composite maps

- transparency in MF work perfectly

The bad:

- if I try to use "tweak Mapsforge theme" with composite maps the app crashes

- if I use a theme with transparent background outside of a composite map it is painted black. I'd rather use white, and the same applies to raster maps

- rmap cannot be used in composite map. I have maps that I generate in mbtiles and then convert to rmap for compatibility with CompeGPS. They are not re-projected, just converted with MOBAC so they should work fine (it's really the same data)

- I can't enter negative values (swiftkey keyboard). The 0.0 trick works but we can't set opacity

- I can't edit multimaps parameters, I have to delete and create a new one

- can't escape the map chooser  with the red border dialogue tapping outside of it, like it was before. I have to reach the back arrow, which is inconvenient (especially because I'm used to do it the other way)

Hi, Maki;

- Catched the bug with tweak mapsforge styles.

- I can't control the color of the background of mapsforge maps. But there is a flag to control in the library the 'transparent background'. With the last version, if the mapsforge map is not the base map, this flag is used. Try with white background.

- the different between rmap and mbtiles is that a rmap can use any projection, or Mercator projection but with different tile size or even different tile origin than Google like projected maps. It is not easy but I will work in the future to allow composite maps different than the current.

- 0.0 is 'full transparent', not opaque, this value has no sense because this layer is invisible.

- I will try to implement the edition of multimaps, but create a new one instead of edit it is quite easy.


Quote from: "orux"
- I can't control the color of the background of mapsforge maps. But there is a flag to control in the library the 'transparent background'. With the last version, if the mapsforge map is not the base map, this flag is used. Try with white background.

With this flag, map-background as defined in the theme is ignored. So I can't define any semitransparent background for areas with no landcover, so on those the map is always fully transparent. With transparent hillshades below it seems there is an additional dark background (defined by OruxMaps?) and it looks weird.

So there are two solutions, which are not up to the user at the moment:

- remove the flag for transparent background, so the user can define this in the theme

- use a white background below the base layer

Best regards,


Edit: one can see the grey-blue background if the base layer has transparency as hill shade maps usually have. Solution would be one to use the empty white map as additional layer, not yet possible.


Quote from: "orux"
- I can't control the color of the background of mapsforge maps. But there is a flag to control in the library the 'transparent background'. With the last version, if the mapsforge map is not the base map, this flag is used. Try with white background.

My idea was to always paint a white background below everything else, and always set the flag for MF maps, so that the same theme could be used without any adjustment for single maps and multimaps. But thinking about it better it may cause inconsistencies with other apps so it's probably not a good idea (the flag). We can make a single theme work for everything with a proper use of layers.

The white background on the other hand would be useful as explained by Tobias.

Quote from: "orux"
- the different between rmap and mbtiles is that a rmap can use any projection, or Mercator projection but with different tile size or even different tile origin than Google like projected maps. It is not easy but I will work in the future to allow composite maps different than the current.

Actually it's just that when doing tests we repeat some actions a lot and we tend to overestimate even little interface roughness. In real world use I think that most people will just use a couple of maps, so it isn't really an issue. The current implementation is fine as is, I'd just add a "multiply" checkbox, so that we can set both multiply and transparency independently.

Quote from: "eartrumpet"
With this flag, map-background as defined in the theme is ignored. So I can't define any semitransparent background for areas with no landcover, so on those the map is always fully transparent.

If we talk about OAM you can use "natural=nosea" as a map background. The problem is that actual landcover will be summed to the "natural=nosea" so it doesn't really work either. I think the only solution is on MF side, implementing real layers and compositing options in the theme. I'll start a thread on the MF list about that.


Quote from: "Maki"
If we talk about OAM you can use "natural=nosea" as a map background. The problem is that actual landcover will be summed to the "natural=nosea" so it doesn't really work either.

natural=nosea is (as natural=sea) only contained in maps with sea areas, so this doesn't work for all maps.

Quote from: "Maki"I think the only solution is on MF side, implementing real layers and compositing options in the theme. I'll start a thread on the MF list about that.

If you could use different themes for different layers of mapsforge maps in OruxMaps, it would be possible (but probably quite slow) to combine e.g.

- a base mf map without symbols/captions/roads

- then a hillshade map

- then the same mf map with a different theme (or only overlay of the same theme) to show symbols/captions roads...

Just thinking aloud :-)

Best regards,



Quote from: "eartrumpet"
Quote from: "Maki"
If we talk about OAM you can use "natural=nosea" as a map background. The problem is that actual landcover will be summed to the "natural=nosea" so it doesn't really work either.

natural=nosea is (as natural=sea) only contained in maps with sea areas, so this doesn't work for all maps.

Ouch, didn't think about that. :-(

All in all I think that for the moment being the best solution for hill-shading is just multiply it on the fully opaque map with a low-ish opacity (~0.3 on mountain areas, something more on flatter terrain) so that colours aren't destroyed in S-E facing slopes. It's fast and easy to implement. Eventually there will probably be direct support in MF, so I'm not sure it's worth the time to implement complicated hacks now.