old beta version

Started by orux, January 06, 2015, 06:57:29 PM

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Quote from: "goosiebn"Regarding
Quote.-increased mapviewer tiles cache size in modern devices (> android 4.0)

This is the wrong direction for me.  I have a Moto E on 4.4.something, internal storage is tight already thanks.  I'd like cache moving external.  In the interim a configurable cache size would be better, not larger.



It is not related to storage cache; it is about RAM memory usage. Now the app uses more available RAM meanwhile it is running. This should mean smooth scroll/zoom,... using the map viewer.



Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "goosiebn"Regarding
Quote.-increased mapviewer tiles cache size in modern devices (> android 4.0)

This is the wrong direction for me.  I have a Moto E on 4.4.something, internal storage is tight already thanks.  I'd like cache moving external.  In the interim a configurable cache size would be better, not larger.



It is not related to storage cache; it is about RAM memory usage. Now the app uses more available RAM meanwhile it is running. This should mean smooth scroll/zoom,... using the map viewer.


Ok, thanks for the clarification.


Hi Orux,

The new multiply option inside the the multi map is great.

I have a wms map source with lines on a white background. With the old version I had to set this source to 40 percent transparent mixed with a osm map.

Now I can use this map source without transparency.Looks much better.





I'm a new Orux user, what drove me was the ability to use MapsForge, and I must say Orux is really the best and most comprehensive alternative to a true GPS, probably superior in many aspects.

I dont have extensive knowledge on the program just yet but would like to make a few suggestions, I've used the standard 6.0.7, the 6.4.beta 8 and now the beta 9 and I've noticed there are for example improvements in the 3D rendering, allowing to see "further", but in 6.0.7 as long as tiles were cached it was almost instant, in the betas its quite slower but in beta 9 is much slower and buggy using same settings.Sometimes in beta9 Orux draws/renders a tile but it disappears 1 sec after then gets back to re-render the missing tile.

Don't know if its possible, but wouldnt it be faster to render 3D from front to back? I think one of the reasons for the slowness is that the back tiles arent probably cached so it slows down the process, also if you slightly reorient the 3D map it will have to fetch and render many more tiles in the back than in the front, and most of the time front is where the "important stuff" is.

Ty for all your work ;)


Hi Orux, I eventually found some time to test Beta9.

The new MF library seems to work well, I'm updating my theme so I used it a lot and it is very stable. I only have a problem with caching. I'm using SVG files for some graphics, these files are rendered as PNGs by the library and then cached. When I change the file it often happens that the cached files persist, no matter what I do (switching maps and themes, clearing the cache from the preference). I can't say if this depends on OM or the library, but it happens. I suspect OM since testing with Atlas on desktop is fine. It will not be a real problem for end users, because they aren't supposed to change the files, but still...

I have a problem when selecting a multi-map from the main "switch map" dialogue. I have several of them and it never chooses the one I tap on. The "switch map here" dialogue works reliably.

I experimented with mapsforge+raster multi-maps:

1) Old raster map as a base layer plus MF on top for roads. This one works very well except for the 256px tile: not only line thicknesses are off, but rendering times are much slower since there are 4x tiles to process. Eventually I managed to build a theme that works both for this and regular MF-only usage. It's not ready for publishing, but the trick is simple. Make the land cover and the contour lines an overlay that can be turned off, and set the map background in the theme header to #FFFFFF (initially I thought it had to have an alpha value which isn't true).

2) Mapsforge as a base layer + raster multiplied on top (1.0 opacity). This one works, except for the usual tile size problem and the fact that if a given zoom level has no data in the raster map it is not painted: it would be better to scale the next one.

3) Mapsforge as a base layer + raster multiplied on top (0.5 opacity). This one is broken. In any graphics program multiplying two layers always darkens the image. If the top one's opacity is reduced the darkening effect is reduced too, with 0.01 opacity you should see the bottom layer almost untouched. In OM the opposite happens, the more you reduce the top layer opacity, the more washed out the image gets.

I don't know if I've been clear about point 3, if you like I can produce some screenshots.



Quote from: "orux"

.-added support to offline composite maps.

It should work with mbtiles, mapsforge, garmin compatible, and OruxMaps maps downloaded using OruxMaps.->Mercator projection maps.

If all the maps use 512px tiles (mapsforge and garmin) the result will be a 512px tiles maps. If there are mixed tile size maps, the result will be a 256px tiles map.

Thanks for adding the support to offline composite maps!

I'm creating an offline Hiking map for osm.org.il, and people can download freely from https://drive.google.com/?tab=mo&authuser=0&urp=https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui%3D2%26shva%3D1#folders/0B-qrsEBJWXhQekowMzBPc1plc3c">this Google Drive location.

This is an OruxMaps SQL format map created using Maperitive and MOBAC with Mercator projection.

However, I don't see this map as an option for the offline composite maps.

In fact, I don't see any of the offline maps I've created using OruxMaps Desktop or MOBAC.

  • Is this because the map was not "downloaded using OruxMaps"!?
    • If that's so, how can people download the map using OruxMaps?
    • Alternatively, how can Mercator maps created on a local PC be used as part of an offline composite map?



  • DRYN845N

    Hola, no sé si esto es así...cuando está activo el elemento visual "Nombre Mapa" y cambias de mapa (por ej. un wms)  es necesario hacer un  zoom para que realmente este actualice el nombre en la pantalla.

    ...un pregunta más, tienes previsto poner en breve la posibilidad de guardar los wms personalizados, seria interesante disponer de un fichero con los personalizados, bien sea manualmente o por medio de la opcion de Orux para asi tenerlo independiente de los que trae por defecto el programa.

    saludos y gracias por todo.



    I have a problem with the altimeter.

    this is very much influenced by the wind.

    windy altimeter moves up to 15 20 meters while I remaining firm.

    can you do an algorithm to filter this problem?

    perhaps taking as right value the average of each 5 seconds of pressure value...

    however, thanks to the fantastic work!


    Sorry if this isn't a Beta version issue, but I was recording a track with Oruxmaps, had been for some time, then loaded a navigation app (Here maps by Nokia) and it was working fine, but after a while, Oruxmaps sounded the GPS lost tone.  I switched back to Oruxmaps (from the track logging message in notification) and it instantly started tracking the correct GPS location, but there was a line from where I was now, to a point some time back, missing the intermediary GPS points.

    GPS fix hadn't been lost, was been used fine by Here, but Oruxmaps believed it hadn't been receiving GPS data and was also active enough to notice it wasn't receiving GPS data.


    I see that when I hit "tweak Mapsforge theme" and then go back to the map without changes the map is reloaded anyway. It means destroying the cache and rebuilding it, which is a waste of resources and time. Would it be possible to check that there are actually changes before clearing the cache?


    Quote from: "topolaino"Hi.

    I have a problem with the altimeter.

    this is very much influenced by the wind.

    windy altimeter moves up to 15 20 meters while I remaining firm.

    can you do an algorithm to filter this problem?

    perhaps taking as right value the average of each 5 seconds of pressure value...

    however, thanks to the fantastic work!

    No,no pardon.... I realized that it is not the wind to affect the barometer but rather the mechanical stress on the cover. Your algorithm is perfect! sorry ...

    orux you are the best!





    i have a small feature request that could be really useful

    orux should be capable of reading cache files (offline maps data) created by google's software such as maps, earth or my tracks

    by choosing "google maps cache" in offline maps list we would be able to use google's satellite imagery.

    they may have prevent orux, mobac etc from accessing their servers, but they can not prevent orux from acessing something in phones memory (i now they could but i'm guessing they would not)

    (sorry if i'm posting in wrong topic. i did a search on feature request, but i did not find a topic for feature requests)



    does the SOS message still needs to be implemented with email or is it inaccessible because I'm doing something wrong?

    BTW: great feature! been trying to find 3rd party android app that would do more or less the same thing but nothing really worked, at least the SMS does work as intended!



    I think it would be a nice addition to this tab to be able to add a ringtone to when it enters the 40seg countdown, it would help to avoid sending false alarms. Also could add an option to have it ring continually (like an alarm) until user cancels it, in case of emergency could draw attention to a unconscious person.



    I've moved from beta9 to beta10 and don't know how to change the mapsforge theme.

    In beta9 there was an "Mapsforge theme" entry in the "Maps" menue.

    How could I change the mapsforge theme using beta10?

    Regards, Florian


    Hallo, i use OruxMaps6.4.0beta10 and Bluetooth crashed so often. At Version beta9 thats all ok.