old beta version

Started by orux, January 06, 2015, 06:57:29 PM

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Bug report.

Mapmytracks integration doesn't work in the latest beta.

Reason: Authentication http header is not set. I.e. login/pass is not used at all.

I've fixed it for myself only by changing mapmytracks url to my server and putting the following code in nginx config:

   location = /mmtapi/a29er/ {¬
        client_max_body_size 10m;¬
        proxy_set_header Authorization "Basic [base64 encoded login/pass here]";¬
        proxy_pass https://www.mapmytracks.com/api/;¬


Hi Orux,

a few weeks ago I got a 2014 Moto X that came with Lollipop 5.1. I'm not really active in this moment so not a lot of testing on the field, but I'm developing maps in mbtiles and rmap format so I used it a bit at home. On my previous Galaxy Nexus with Jelly Bean 4.3 and my G-Pad 8.3 with KitKat both formats showed identical performances, on the Moto X the rmap showed problems. In particular when passing from ZL 15 to ZL16 there was a long lag during which I saw the scaled ZL15; also rotating the display showed the circle arrow for several seconds before eventually get the redraw. The same exact map in mbtiles was lightning fast.

A couple of days ago I got the Marshmallow 6.0 OTA upgrade. This apparently fixed the issue with rmap that has now the same performance of mbtiles. The problem is that mbtiles slowed down a bit. With Lollipop any action was practically instant. With Marshmallow there is a very slight pause between the redraw of each tile. I wouldn't call it slow, it's very subtle, and I would not have noticed it if it wasn't for the previous use of Lollipop, but it is definitely visible.

I don't know if part of the decoding is dependent on libraries that may vary across Android versions (SQLite maybe?), of if there is something else going on, just thought to share the fact.

While testing my maps I also tried Locus that doesn't seem to show performance differences with the different OS (it's always slower then Oruxmaps) and also gave me some problems with the rmap (misplaced tiles, that never happened in OM) in Lollipop, but not with Marshmallow. So maybe there is actually something strange in 5.1.

Test files here, should it be useful https://app.box.com/s/523d1fhnij3n0o5g3ddw">//https://app.box.com/s/523d1fhnij3n0o5g3ddw

BTW, I still much prefer OM overall but Locus supports immersive mode and I couldn't not notice how much more screen real estate you get in that way on devices with soft keys (i.e. all but Samsung...). Willing to donate again for that feature. Actually I'd be willing to donate again anyway; if only you put an in-app donate feature, that is :-)


Don't know if this is normal or a bug, but in 6.5.0rc6 I couldn't erase the cache for a mapsforge map (openandromaps) if the map was in use, had to change to a different mapsforge map, erase cache and then load original mapsforge map.


Hi Orux,

 when you think to release the new version officially?




Quote from: "alessocci"Hi Orux,

 when you think to release the new version officially?



Maybe 2016-01-13 OruxMaps v.6.5.0 (v.Donate)!



6.5.0 available in google play, (in a few hours).



Downladed and working. Of course I'm a proud new OruxMaps registered user!! Jajaja... Thanks!