KMZ points OK in Google Earth are shifted in Oruxmaps

Started by Pointaero, March 01, 2015, 08:28:31 PM

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When I copy a saved kmx file from MyPlaces in Google earth, and then open that file in Oruxmaps, all the points in the kmz file are shifted off the actual point (lat/long).  It seems to have to do with the scaling function of the zoom level because the point shift/displacement seems to be the same number of pixels on any zoom level- so, when you have it on a wide zoom view the points are a mile off, and then when you zoom in they are only a hundred feet off.  When I open the file in Google earth, the points are correct with no shift.

Any suggestions on why this is happening?  It only happened after I change the point positions and re-saved the kmz file in Google Earth.

Thanks for any help you can give.



I will study in depth.


Quote from: "Pointaero"When I copy a saved kmx file from MyPlaces in Google earth, and then open that file in Oruxmaps, all the points in the kmz file are shifted off the actual point (lat/long).  It seems to have to do with the scaling function of the zoom level because the point shift/displacement seems to be the same number of pixels on any zoom level- so, when you have it on a wide zoom view the points are a mile off, and then when you zoom in they are only a hundred feet off.  When I open the file in Google earth, the points are correct with no shift.

Any suggestions on why this is happening?  It only happened after I change the point positions and re-saved the kmz file in Google Earth.

Thanks for any help you can give.



Which map do you use for testing?

Try with the online maps.

May be it is a problem with the map (wrong calibration), not with the kml files.



I no longer have the problem> I believe it had to do with the fact that Oruxmaps keeps previously viewed file details in cache "memory" so that if the file is of the same name but it changes, Oruxmaps sees the same file name, thinks it's the same version as the old file of the same name, and uses data for that file from cache instead of reading the data in the updated version of the file.  I especially had this issue with redone USGS maps (using Mobile Atlas Creator- MOBAC) in which I had added some area to the mapfile but kept the same name for the map file.  Oruxmaps went to the cache for the corner points of the map (which was the old version lat/longs of the corners) and scaled the map incorrectly as a result.  Hitting the Refresh button in the "switch maps" page, or unchecking the "skip map check" box in the maps global settings page cures the problem.

Hope this helps
