Waypoint search and filter problems

Started by Benrasi, May 01, 2015, 03:55:05 AM

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Hi Orux,

I organised my waypoints with the folders ans found these problems:

a) Search does not show all results. I used 2 or 3 small letters as query.

b) Filter the list by waypoint type works great, but when I delete the filter all waypoint are shown while I'm still in one folder with less waypoints.

I use the last Beta9.

Have two more suggestions to organise waypoints:

- Missing a function to move selected waypoints from one folder to another.

- Would be nice, if the  "Folder manager" would allow to edit the folder name



Quote from: "Benrasi"Hi Orux,

I organised my waypoints with the folders ans found these problems:

a) Search does not show all results. I used 2 or 3 small letters as query.


Give me an example, I can't reproduce that problem.

Quote from: "Benrasi"
b) Filter the list by waypoint type works great, but when I delete the filter all waypoint are shown while I'm still in one folder with less waypoints.

You are right, solved.

Quote from: "Benrasi"
Have two more suggestions to organise waypoints:

- Missing a function to move selected waypoints from one folder to another.

You can, using 'mass modification' of selected wpts.

Quote from: "Benrasi"
- Would be nice, if the  "Folder manager" would allow to edit the folder name


Added to my TODO list.



I imported a POI list from Paris changed with GPSBabel to GPX*. As I can't upload files you see small GPX-Data for testing below. I created a new folder. Imported the GPX** and searched. Between every search I deleteted the filter and switched folder twice, because of the other error. But leaving Waypoint-Manager has the same result.

Search for:

par --> correct (4 entries from "Paris" and "Parc")

arc --> wrong (only 1 entrie ""Marche" found, but not from "Parc" and "d'Arcole") -> should be 5 entries found

parc --> wrong (0 entries found)

* GPSBabel produces 2 additional nodes for <cmt> and <desc> which I deleted for testing without difference in the result.

** By the way: The reset to "all" instead of the one from the current folder happens also when importing GPX into a folder.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<gpx version="1.0" creator="GPSBabel - http://www.gpsbabel.org" xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0">


  <bounds minlat="48.818610000" minlon="2.247220000" maxlat="48.895810000" maxlon="2.439720000"/>

  <wpt lat="48.856610000" lon="2.352060000">

    <name>[Monument] Hotel de Ville-Mairie de Paris</name>


  <wpt lat="48.855550000" lon="2.350490000">

    <name>[Pont] Pont d'Arcole</name>


  <wpt lat="48.841480000" lon="2.252780000">

    <name>[Sport] Parc des Princes</name>


  <wpt lat="48.852180000" lon="2.335840000">

    <name>[Curiosite] Marche Saint-Germain</name>


  <wpt lat="48.835550000" lon="2.382780000">

    <name>[Espace Vert] Parc de Bercy</name>


  <wpt lat="48.827780000" lon="2.360000000">

    <name>[Espace Vert] Parc de Choisy</name>




Hi Orux,

I tested the search and import with Beta10 against the demo data from my post before.

Search for:

arc --> wrong -> 0 entries found. Should be 5.

parc -> OK now (all 3 entries found)

The import of waypoints into one folder works, but after finished import it shows ALL waypoints and not only the one from the selected folder.

My ponit b) "delete filter all waypoint are shown" works correct now.




Quote from: "Benrasi"Hi Orux,

I tested the search and import with Beta10 against the demo data from my post before.

Search for:

arc --> wrong -> 0 entries found. Should be 5.

parc -> OK now (all 3 entries found)

The import of waypoints into one folder works, but after finished import it shows ALL waypoints and not only the one from the selected folder.

My ponit b) "delete filter all waypoint are shown" works correct now.



Hi, Ben;

If you concatenate searches, the next search is done on the wpts that are displayed. May be you are concatenating searches, because it is working fine in my device.

If modified massively wpts the current folder is unchanged. I do not understand what you mean.



Sorry Orux,

I found the search problem was a "layer 8" problem... I was fooled by the auto correction of my new mobile :-(

I didn't see the changed input when press directly "GO" for search.

Would be nice if you could see the "searchstring". Maybe on top of the result.

The second part of my problem is "what will be shown in the current folder, if you import new waypoints to this folder". It's like the problem "b) with the reset of the filter", which shows all waypoints of the database instead of only the one from the folder (while the selected folder is unchanged).

Steps I did:

- Open Waypoint-Manager

- Add new Folder (+) "Test"

- Return and select "Test" as new folder

- Import waypoints (select GPX)

- After import the selected folder "Test" is still active but shows the waypoints from ALL folders (the DB).

Important: The same happend when I delete selected waypoints instead.




Quote from: "Benrasi"Sorry Orux,

I found the search problem was a "layer 8" problem... I was fooled by the auto correction of my new mobile :-(

I didn't see the changed input when press directly "GO" for search.

Would be nice if you could see the "searchstring". Maybe on top of the result.

The second part of my problem is "what will be shown in the current folder, if you import new waypoints to this folder". It's like the problem "b) with the reset of the filter", which shows all waypoints of the database instead of only the one from the folder (while the selected folder is unchanged).

Steps I did:

- Open Waypoint-Manager

- Add new Folder (+) "Test"

- Return and select "Test" as new folder

- Import waypoints (select GPX)

- After import the selected folder "Test" is still active but shows the waypoints from ALL folders (the DB).

Important: The same happend when I delete selected waypoints instead.



Thanks, Ben;

Yes, there is a bug.

I will try to remove it in next version,
