New beta version, 7.5.9betaX

Started by orux, July 05, 2019, 08:30:52 PM

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Quote from: orux on December 04, 2019, 05:16:09 PM
Quote from: Josean on December 04, 2019, 04:21:53 PM
Qué requisitos son necesarios para que funcione el nuevo contador de pasos? yo en una breve prueba, en lo que he probado no me reconoce ni un paso. Mi teléfono tiene sensores de acelerómetro, giroscopio, gravedad, rotación y aceleración lineal. Es necesario alguno más especifico?
Con esta nueva función, quizás, podrías también introducir en las estadísticas una estimación de la cadencia de pasos y de la zancada.
Se necesita Android 4.4 ó superior.
Debes activar la función en configuración--sensores.Si muestras el control en el cuadro de mandos, y andas, debe indicar pasos. Si tiene sensor de pasos, que imagino tiene al tener acelerómetro, te los debe mostrar.
Y si grabas un track, en las estadísticas aparecerá número de pasos y promedio longitud paso.

Añado: solo graba pasos si el tipo de track es indefinido, correr, caminar,... los tipos de Track que por lógica deben tener 'pasos'

Desde luego con Oruxmaps no reconoce ni un paso, sin embargo he probado con varias aplicaciones de podómetro y en todas ellas, menos en una de Runtastic, me han leído pasos al moverme. En una de ellas, al usarla tras instalar contaba mal los pasos, de menos, y luego tenia para ajustar niveles de sensibilidad, aumentando la sensibilidad ya coincidía con los pasos que iba dando. Supongo entonces que hay algún bug.


i had a quick look at the new "steps counter, using internal device sensor" from 7.5.9beta24.
I enabled it in settings and added the new dashboard control.

1. the step counter in the dasboard is counting, even when i am not tracking
2. The counter in the  dashboard is increasing, i see no way to let it start from "0" again.
3. Then i disabled it again, but left it  in dashboard: and it is still counting/increasing, when walking.
I see no way to  reset the value.

Maybe the behaviour should be like this:
Take and show values from the internal sensor only in tracking mode
For every new track, start counting from "0"

On-top, it would be nice e.g. to derive from that counter a "cadence" value, as it exists for ANT+ or BT sensors, and have also a dashboard control for that. Interesting for some runners&cyclists.


Quote from: matt on December 05, 2019, 03:04:50 PM
i had a quick look at the new "steps counter, using internal device sensor" from 7.5.9beta24.
I enabled it in settings and added the new dashboard control.

1. the step counter in the dasboard is counting, even when i am not tracking
2. The counter in the  dashboard is increasing, i see no way to let it start from "0" again.
3. Then i disabled it again, but left it  in dashboard: and it is still counting/increasing, when walking.
I see no way to  reset the value.

Maybe the behaviour should be like this:
Take and show values from the internal sensor only in tracking mode
For every new track, start counting from "0"

On-top, it would be nice e.g. to derive from that counter a "cadence" value, as it exists for ANT+ or BT sensors, and have also a dashboard control for that. Interesting for some runners&cyclists.

same here. One more point, if the step counter is removed from the dashboard and then putted back, it retains it's value.



Quote from: Josean on December 04, 2019, 06:03:15 PM
Quote from: orux on December 04, 2019, 05:16:09 PM
Quote from: Josean on December 04, 2019, 04:21:53 PM
Qué requisitos son necesarios para que funcione el nuevo contador de pasos? yo en una breve prueba, en lo que he probado no me reconoce ni un paso. Mi teléfono tiene sensores de acelerómetro, giroscopio, gravedad, rotación y aceleración lineal. Es necesario alguno más especifico?
Con esta nueva función, quizás, podrías también introducir en las estadísticas una estimación de la cadencia de pasos y de la zancada.
Se necesita Android 4.4 ó superior.
Debes activar la función en configuración--sensores.Si muestras el control en el cuadro de mandos, y andas, debe indicar pasos. Si tiene sensor de pasos, que imagino tiene al tener acelerómetro, te los debe mostrar.
Y si grabas un track, en las estadísticas aparecerá número de pasos y promedio longitud paso.

Añado: solo graba pasos si el tipo de track es indefinido, correr, caminar,... los tipos de Track que por lógica deben tener 'pasos'

Desde luego con Oruxmaps no reconoce ni un paso, sin embargo he probado con varias aplicaciones de podómetro y en todas ellas, menos en una de Runtastic, me han leído pasos al moverme. En una de ellas, al usarla tras instalar contaba mal los pasos, de menos, y luego tenia para ajustar niveles de sensibilidad, aumentando la sensibilidad ya coincidía con los pasos que iba dando. Supongo entonces que hay algún bug.
Seguramente esas apps han implementado un podómetro usando el acelerómetro, directamente.
Otra cosa es que la versión de Android que tengas instalada ofrezca el sensor tipo [size=10,5pt]Sensor.TYPE_STEP_COUNTER[/size][/font] que es el que usa OruxMaps.

Pondré un aviso en pantalla si no lo detecta en la próxima beta a ver.



Quote from: matt on December 05, 2019, 03:04:50 PM
i had a quick look at the new "steps counter, using internal device sensor" from 7.5.9beta24.
I enabled it in settings and added the new dashboard control.

1. the step counter in the dasboard is counting, even when i am not tracking
2. The counter in the  dashboard is increasing, i see no way to let it start from "0" again.
3. Then i disabled it again, but left it  in dashboard: and it is still counting/increasing, when walking.
I see no way to  reset the value.

Maybe the behaviour should be like this:
Take and show values from the internal sensor only in tracking mode
For every new track, start counting from "0"

On-top, it would be nice e.g. to derive from that counter a "cadence" value, as it exists for ANT+ or BT sensors, and have also a dashboard control for that. Interesting for some runners&cyclists.
When you start recording a Track, the counter should be reset to zero, and the final valued saved with the Track statistics.

If you are not recording a Track, the counter retains the Android internal value.
The pedometer is independent of GPS.
You will be able to reset to zero with a long press on the control, if a track is not being recorded, in next version.

This way you can count steps, without having to have the app running, because it uses the Android internal step counter.



Quote from: orux on December 07, 2019, 09:37:29 AM
When you start recording a Track, the counter should be reset to zero, and the final valued saved with the Track statistics.

If you are not recording a Track, the counter retains the Android internal value.
The pedometer is independent of GPS.
You will be able to reset to zero with a long press on the control, if a track is not being recorded, in next version.

This way you can count steps, without having to have the app running, because it uses the Android internal step counter.

Hi orux,

Android documentation states the following about the internal step counter: "The step counter sensor provides the number of steps taken by the user since the last reboot"
That makes me think that this sensor is always active. If this is the case, I do not see the point of having an option to activate it in oruxmaps (Global settings - Sensors), you can just get rid of it and behave as follow:

- when recording a track, even if step counter is not present on the dashboard, use it. Value should be read at the beginning and end of the track and each time it's paused/restarted.

- when recording a track, if step counter is present on the dashboard, use it. In addition to the above, read the value every x seconds to refresh the dashboard control.

- when not recording, if step counter is present on the dashboard, use it. Read the value every x seconds, the user can reset it at any time by long pressing the control as you suggested. It may also be useful to store the timestamp of the last reset.



Quote from: Juanjo on December 07, 2019, 03:12:57 PM
Quote from: orux on December 07, 2019, 09:37:29 AM
When you start recording a Track, the counter should be reset to zero, and the final valued saved with the Track statistics.

If you are not recording a Track, the counter retains the Android internal value.
The pedometer is independent of GPS.
You will be able to reset to zero with a long press on the control, if a track is not being recorded, in next version.

This way you can count steps, without having to have the app running, because it uses the Android internal step counter.

Hi orux,

Android documentation states the following about the internal step counter: "The step counter sensor provides the number of steps taken by the user since the last reboot"
That makes me think that this sensor is always active. If this is the case, I do not see the point of having an option to activate it in oruxmaps (Global settings - Sensors), you can just get rid of it and behave as follow:

- when recording a track, even if step counter is not present on the dashboard, use it. Value should be read at the beginning and end of the track and each time it's paused/restarted.

- when recording a track, if step counter is present on the dashboard, use it. In addition to the above, read the value every x seconds to refresh the dashboard control.

- when not recording, if step counter is present on the dashboard, use it. Read the value every x seconds, the user can reset it at any time by long pressing the control as you suggested. It may also be useful to store the timestamp of the last reset.



The sensor is not always active. Android can disable it if there are not apps interested in it.

That is why I prefer that the user decides if he wants to have it active. In very long activities it could have some impact on the battery. I do not know.

It will work more or less (when I can adjust some things) as you comment, except as stated in the previous paragraph.



I tested this morning the beta24 having a small walk and I found that the totals recorded along the logged track are wrong!

I had a trip of 6km approximately, but in the logged track these were recorded as 65km and I would have walked at 60+ kmh (:->)!
Also recorded speed, and other measures look wrong (included total ascent). I walked all flat at 25 metres above sea level, while the log reported 130m of total ascent (impossible).

I would like to provide you the screeshot I made, but this posting system do not allow me to attach it because too big (but it is only 1.1 MB).

Kindly let me know if you want to have the GXP file or the logged file.



Quote from: Andrea65 on December 11, 2019, 05:50:41 PM
I tested this morning the beta24 having a small walk and I found that the totals recorded along the logged track are wrong!

I had a trip of 6km approximately, but in the logged track these were recorded as 65km and I would have walked at 60+ kmh (:->)!
Also recorded speed, and other measures look wrong (included total ascent). I walked all flat at 25 metres above sea level, while the log reported 130m of total ascent (impossible).

I would like to provide you the screeshot I made, but this posting system do not allow me to attach it because too big (but it is only 1.1 MB).

Kindly let me know if you want to have the GXP file or the logged file.

beta updated!



Hello Dev Team,
I tested yesterday and today the last beta 26.

Yesterday I made well known ski-touring I already recorded 3 times with the ver 7.4.22.
The new 7.5.9 beta 26 worked fine, no more elevation drop when GPS signal is lost. Also the descending speed is now more accurate than in the past (I used also a Garmin Edge 810 as comparator and reference device: on this course Garmin collected 5300 points, beta 26 collected 512 points, 7.4.22 collected 528 points last year).

However, I have also to notify you of a big problem with my smartphone: the battery usage is doubled or even more than doubled compared to ver 7.4.22.

Now, I cannot confirm that this is strictly related to this beta 26, because I am comparing the battery usage of my mobile last year to today. The phone is the same, Huawei P10, but the OS changed from Android 8 to 9 and the battery has today 30 months of live, while last year it was 12 months newer.

Please, kindly check if any of the new introduced changes may affect so much the power consumption.

Many thanks for the great product.
Kind regards, Andrea



Mi móvil, no tiene ninguna aplicación de Google.
Quisiera saber si Oruxmaps puede encontrar su posición sin Gps-Status, pero con GpsTest.

Además, cuando elijo "GPS Status" en el menú "herramientas varias", una ventana se abre y se cierra de repente.
Sin embargo, el  menú "'configuration​​global'-'sensores'-GPS'-'GPS-ext' eleji "GPS Test' ; el cual funciona bien y muestra posición y altitud.

Disculpe por mi mal español, pero mi inglés es peor. Soy francés.


Ante todo feliz año a todos!
Orux, en el enlace que has puesto para la nueva beta 27 lo que descarga es la 26.


Hola Orux,

gracias por la nueva beta, eso de poder crear mapas compuestos mezclando capas online y offline me va a venir muy bien. Dos cosas:

- Hay algún motivo que impida fusionar las opciones 'MAPA COMPUESTO (ONLINE)' y 'MAPA COMPUESTO (OFFLINE)' en una sola? Tengo la sensación que seria mas fácil e intuitivo.

- Una vez seleccionada la primera capa, seria posible mostrar en la lista de capas solamente aquellas que son compatibles con esta?




I tested 7.5.9beta27.


Oruxmaps crashes when I select a waypoint as navigation target or load a route containing waypoints and select "WP navi".
Did anybody observe a similar behaviour?


having composite maps with different maximal zoom levels seems to work better compared to 7.4.22 or the version installed from google.
The latter two ones sometimes do not display the composite map if one of the composite components does not contain the selected zoom level.
