New beta version, 7.5.9betaX

Started by orux, July 05, 2019, 08:30:52 PM

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Quote from: Mapper-Alps12 on March 15, 2020, 11:04:53 AM
Hola Orux,

after the winter-break I'm back hiking and biking with Oruxmaps. This time I found 2 "bugs".

#1: I use the app (7.4.22, 7.5.8 GP and beta33) in German language. In beta 33, when I open the app and the maps are loading, the sentence "Karetendateien werden initialisiert" ist shown. Correctly it must be "Kartendateien...", so one e to much  ;)

#2: I tried to add a new WMS Service from the German Federaly Mapping Agency to my WMS datas via the "wms_services.xml", but that fails. I put the data like this:

        <name>BKG - TopPlusOpen</name>
        <desc>BKG - TopPlusOpen</desc>

When I enter the wms-path in the WMS-Creator in the App (beta33), it works. Means, the WMS is shown and added as wished.

Can you please check what is wrong with the XML-data? For me it ist more easy to put all my WMS in an XML. Thanks in advance!

That wms requires an empty 'styles' tag.
It should work with last beta (refresh WMS list).
Or add this tag to the map:
        <name>BKG - TopPlusOpen</name>
        <desc>BKG - TopPlusOpen</desc>



Hi, in latest beta pitch/roll "compass" doesn't work. It's brown circle inside of compass trying to reset pitch/roll doesn't help. Short tap shows menu "set new values". I need this beta because I have separate cadence and speed sensors.  One more thing automatic map scroll isn't smooth (phone-xperia xa)


Quote from: Luke on April 22, 2020, 09:43:09 PM
Hi, in latest beta pitch/roll "compass" doesn't work. It's brown circle inside of compass trying to reset pitch/roll doesn't help. Short tap shows menu "set new values". I need this beta because I have separate cadence and speed sensors.  One more thing automatic map scroll isn't smooth (phone-xperia xa)
Android version?
What do you mean with 'automatic map scroll isn't smooth'? DIfferent than last beta?


Quite a bit of a beta backwards automatic scroll is not smooth. Android Oreo.
Version 7.4.22 was much better in this regard.


Hello Everyone,

I am using 7.5.9beta38, and I noticed that if I load a Track/Route (Load KML/GPX file), this cannot be removed from the Track/Route tools menu in the Navigation Drawer, it looks this can only be done via the Action Bar above (Clean Routes/Waypoints).

Therefore, if I am not using Action Bar but just the left side Navigation Drawer, it looks like removing a track/route cannot be done.



Quote from: tirzan on April 25, 2020, 01:20:48 PM
Hello Everyone,

I am using 7.5.9beta38, and I noticed that if I load a Track/Route (Load KML/GPX file), this cannot be removed from the Track/Route tools menu in the Navigation Drawer, it looks this can only be done via the Action Bar above (Clean Routes/Waypoints).

Therefore, if I am not using Action Bar but just the left side Navigation Drawer, it looks like removing a track/route cannot be done.


under Tracks/Routes submenu



Quote from: orux on April 25, 2020, 07:50:00 PM
Quote from: tirzan on April 25, 2020, 01:20:48 PM
Hello Everyone,

I am using 7.5.9beta38, and I noticed that if I load a Track/Route (Load KML/GPX file), this cannot be removed from the Track/Route tools menu in the Navigation Drawer, it looks this can only be done via the Action Bar above (Clean Routes/Waypoints).

Therefore, if I am not using Action Bar but just the left side Navigation Drawer, it looks like removing a track/route cannot be done.


under Tracks/Routes submenu


Oh, I think I missed this. Found it, thanks!



Hola Orux,

thank you for the solution in #225, it works with beta38.

One more question to wms-services (in both wms creator in oruxmaps app and wms_services.xml): is it possible to enable wms-t (time) services like this:, where you can have a look at old topographic maps by selecting the year. The wms-source for 1990 e.g. is "" Therefore I guess it needs to add the "time" filed. It would be great if you could manage this, because more and more wms-t services can be found.

While using the last betas I recognized that since beta 35 or so (I'm not sure) the automatic track thubnail function doesn't work any more. In beta33 it worked, in the later betas you just can see a blue track on a black background (maybe osm restrictions). I would also be haapy if you could fix this.

Thank you so much!


Quote from: Mapper-Alps12 on April 26, 2020, 11:29:27 AM
Hola Orux,

thank you for the solution in #225, it works with beta38.

One more question to wms-services (in both wms creator in oruxmaps app and wms_services.xml): is it possible to enable wms-t (time) services like this:, where you can have a look at old topographic maps by selecting the year. The wms-source for 1990 e.g. is "" Therefore I guess it needs to add the "time" filed. It would be great if you could manage this, because more and more wms-t services can be found.

While using the last betas I recognized that since beta 35 or so (I'm not sure) the automatic track thubnail function doesn't work any more. In beta33 it worked, in the later betas you just can see a blue track on a black background (maybe osm restrictions). I would also be haapy if you could fix this.

Thank you so much!
I can see this: Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=429, message=Too Many Requests, }
I have to check OSM limits.
About WMS-t; I will investigate. But you always can add the parameter &time=XXXX to the URL.




en la última beta, no sé si ya pasaba en alguna anterior, no me funciona la creación de mapas WMS. Al darle al botón de validar dice 'Mapa creado OK' pero el mapa no aparece en la lista.

Los WMTS funcionan correctamente.



Quote from: orux on April 19, 2020, 11:58:01 AM
Quote from: Juanjo on March 08, 2020, 08:06:09 PM

la beta 35 no muestra los iconos que indican la velocidad máxima/mínima y la máxima altitud en el track.

Gracias, ya deben estar en la última beta nuevamente (para nuevos tracks creados).
Lo de los waypoints que no aparece el indicador de capa cargada, tienes razón, lo arreglo en la siguiente beta.


en la beta 39 aparece correctamente el indicador de capa cargada y el menú 'Limpiar capas'. Gracias orux!


Hola Orux,

thank you for your quick answer. About WMS-T in #234: it works when I add "time=xxxx" in the app WMS-Creator in the app (beta38), but not so in the wms_services.xml file. I added the service like this (URL in xml):
        <name>HKTK25 1990</name>
        <desc>historische TK25 zum 01.01.1990</desc>

All other things are fine!


Quote from: orux on April 24, 2020, 04:54:00 PM
Quote from: Luke on April 22, 2020, 09:43:09 PM
Hi, in latest beta pitch/roll "compass" doesn't work. It's brown circle inside of compass trying to reset pitch/roll doesn't help. Short tap shows menu "set new values". I need this beta because I have separate cadence and speed sensors.  One more thing automatic map scroll isn't smooth (phone-xperia xa)
Android version?
What do you mean with 'automatic map scroll isn't smooth'? DIfferent than last beta?

Android if i good remember 7 or 8(latest official firmware).
Changed map and its better.
But still window of this pitch/roll-gyroscope is brown doesn't work.

One more question, is there a way to race with own recorded gpx "shadow" ?


Quote from: Mapper-Alps12 on April 27, 2020, 08:25:46 PM
Hola Orux,

thank you for your quick answer. About WMS-T in #234: it works when I add "time=xxxx" in the app WMS-Creator in the app (beta38), but not so in the wms_services.xml file. I added the service like this (URL in xml):
        <name>HKTK25 1990</name>
        <desc>historische TK25 zum 01.01.1990</desc>

All other things are fine!
try with:
