Can't Install Maps From OpenAndroMaps Website?

Started by Steve_Sr, August 16, 2019, 04:42:16 PM

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The map file file appears to download properly according to the progress bar in the notification pane.

Once the download is complete it starts trying to unzip the file. At this point it spins for a VERY LONG time before eventually failing. The message while it is spinning says:

"Unzipping, It can take a lo..."

This process works with a 25MB map, like Hawaii,  but fails with a 320MB file like Arizona.

Any clues as to what is going on or how to troubleshoot further?




Quote from: Steve_Sr post_id=39024 time=1565966536 user_id=5302

The map file file appears to download properly according to the progress bar in the notification pane.

Once the download is complete it starts trying to unzip the file. At this point it spins for a VERY LONG time before eventually failing. The message while it is spinning says:

"Unzipping, It can take a lo..."

This process works with a 25MB map, like Hawaii,  but fails with a 320MB file like Arizona.

Any clues as to what is going on or how to troubleshoot further?



Hola Steve_Sr.

A mí me pasó lo mismo con el mapa Spain-Portugal (mapa muy pesado ~1GB) cuando intenté instalarlo directamente mediante oruxmaps. La descarga falló antes de terminar.

SOLUCIÓN que te propongo:

1) Descarga el mapa (click en "Download V3") desde un navegador de internet (Chrome, Mozilla,...) desde tu dispositivo ANDROID o desde tu PC. [opcionalmente descarga los POI's].">

2) Descomprime el archivo y pégalo en la carpeta "oruxmaps >> mapfiles" de tu dispositivo ANDROID (conecta el dispositivo ANDROID al PC mediante cable USB, si es preciso)

3) Descarga los estilos de mapa (mapstyles ELEVATE_4 Manual download "Normal version") también a través de un navegador de internet."> ... hike-theme">

4) Descomprime el archivo y pégalo en la carpeta "oruxmaps >> mapstyles"

5) Configura oruxmaps: visualiza (carga) el mapa mapsforgue en la pantalla de oruxmaps >> botón "mapas" >> Ajustes mapa >> Tema mapsforgue >> selecciona "Elements" o "Elevate"

Verás que se visualizan las curva de nivel y otros símbolos.

Saludos desde Galicia, España.



Mi Espanol no es muy bueno!

I think that you are saying to download and install these manually. Well... I could but that is NOT the point!

This method should work and it isn't and I would like to find out why. Perhaps this will save some other poor soul from having to waste a LOT of time trying to figure this out.




Sorry Steve_Sr. You're right, my "solution" is just a patch to a possible orux deficiency.  While we wait for orux to solve this, perhaps some poor soul is interested in knowing that there is another way (alternative plan) to download and operate mapsforgue maps (openandromaps).

good luck  :)

 :arrow:"> ... l=es&tl=en">


Disculpa Steve_Sr. Tienes razón, mi "solución" es solo un parche a una posible deficiencia de orux. Mientras aguardamos a que orux solucione esto, quizá a alguna pobre alma le interese saber que existe otra manera (plan B) de descargar y hacer funcionar los mapas mapsforgue (openandromaps).


Well, I just wiped the cache partition on the phone and managed to successfully download 300+ Mb of the U.S. Arizona map. So this appears to have been a cache management issue. Arrrrggggh!