Request for two new buttons related to gradient

Started by bikefrog, September 09, 2019, 03:42:37 PM

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Hi orux,

I would like to ask for two new shortcut-buttons for the buttons-bar. Both are related with the gradient of the active route.

The first button should give the possibility for a quick change between dashboard with and without altidude graph. The altidude graph-feature is very helpfull in hilly areas, but it takes quite some room from the map. I like to look at it from time to time. But most of the time I don't need it and prefer more room for the map. So a quick change would be desirable.

The second button is related. It should be for a qick change between "colored path with slope" active or not active. The colored version is helpful to get an idea about oncoming gradients. But it has the disadvantage, that the viewability of the path on a colored map is reduced. Therefore I usually prefer a blue dashed path, what is very good visible on the map. A possibility for a quick change between the two options would be nice.

