How do profiles work?

Started by haylingchrist, June 11, 2015, 11:58:16 AM

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First I'd like to say, Orux, thanks for your _wonderful_ app.

I've been playing with the profiles feature but can't really figure out what its supposed to do or how it works. Is there a tutorial anywhere?

The sorts of question I have are: What settings are stored in a profile? How are profiles updated? (there's no 'save' button). Are changes automatically saved? If so what happens when you make changes to 'default'? etc.  

I'd like to have separate profiles for 'cycling', 'driving' etc. and for different maps. However settings like default zoom level and GPS config don't seem to be stored (I think, without knowing what should happen its easy to get confused).



When you start oruxmap app there is a profile called "default". It has a standard configuration made by orux and its the same for all users.

If you want a custom profile for you:

1- Change lateral buttons, menus, colors, app settings...etc to your liking

2- Go to Global configuration/Profiles/Manage profiles

3- Create a new profile by clicking the top/right icon "add profile"

4- Click on your new profile and say it "Load". Your new profile should appear green

5- Go to Global configuration/Profiles/Save profiles to save all profiles to preferences folder. Now, your profile is in that folder to have a backup.

If you wan more than one profiles:

Follow the same steps but put a different name for each profile


1- Your question (How are profiles updated?). Every change that you do are not saved on your profile automatically. You must go to Global configuration/Profiles/Save profiles to save the last changes made by you

2- Your question (What settings are stored in a profile?). All. Maybe some especific parameter that is global for all profiles is not possible have it different for each profile