share as -> send mail menu

Started by fabrylama, June 12, 2015, 08:57:26 AM

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Hi orux, when selecting "share as -> gpx", the phone takes a while (depending on the track length) to generate the gpx file and then a "send mail" menu shows up [where I can select whether to use gmail or Bluetooth or whatsapp (??)]. But if oruxmaps loses focus, because another app sends a notification or sometimes even if the screen gets locked, the "send mail" menu disappear and I'm forced to repeat the procedure starting from "share as -> gpx" and I must wait again for the creation of the gpx file (and for a 6 hours ride it's a long wait).

So, what I'm asking is: is there already a solution that I don't know about :oops: ? Or else, could you create an option to select the default mail sender, in order to bypass completely the "send mail" list/menu? Or could you avoid the re-creation of the gpx file if the "share as gpx" procedure is restarted after it's interrupted?
