Strava removing email upload option August 17th, 2015

Started by goosiebn, July 17, 2015, 10:21:39 AM

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Dear Strava User,

Your files have been received and they should appear on your account shortly.

We have an important update: Strava will retire the ability to upload activities via email on August 17th, 2015.

Email upload was introduced well before we had an API. Given the mature nature of our API and the infrequent usage of email upload (less than 0.03% of all uploads), we'll better serve our customers by focusing our development and maintenance efforts on our more common upload channels.

You can upload individual files and files in bulk using our website:"> You can read more about bulk upload here:"> ... -to-Strava">

If you're an application developer, here's more information on our upload API:">

If you have any questions or concerns, please visit our support site:">


The Support Team