Creating an otrk2.xml file for sqlite.db tiles

Started by Kasabugu, July 23, 2015, 12:42:34 PM

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I have a sqlite.db file with map tiles which I have converted from a non compatible map app, the database is in the same format as OruxMapsImages.db (CREATE TABLE tiles (x int, y int, z int, image blob, PRIMARY KEY(x,y,z))) and has 3 layerLevels (14,15,16) but now can not get a calibration file to work is there anywhere defining the xxx.otrk2.xml file for me to create a working calibration file. I include a section of my otrk2 file I tried to create using oruxmaps internal creator which didn't work and would like a better understanding of its contents.

<MapCalibration layers="false" layerLevel="14">       :?: Why layers="false"


<MapChunks xMax="20" yMax="16" datum="WGS84" projection="Mercator" img_height="200" img_width="200" file_name="TestMap" /> :?:  what is xMap yMap value no of tile rows/columns at this level?

<MapDimensions height="4096" width="5120" />   :?: Are these the total px size of the whole map at this layer?

<MapBounds minLat="50.764259357116465" maxLat="50.98609893339354" minLon="-0.3515625" maxLon="0.087890625" />   :?: Top,Bottom,Right, Left long and lat?


<CalibrationPoint corner="TL" lon="-0.351562" lat="50.986099" />   :?: Top Left corner long and lat?

<CalibrationPoint corner="BR" lon="0.087891" lat="50.764259" />   :?: Bottom Right corner long and lat?

<CalibrationPoint corner="TR" lon="0.087891" lat="50.986099" />   :?: Top Right corner long and lat?

<CalibrationPoint corner="BL" lon="-0.351562" lat="50.764259" />   :?: Bottom Left corner long and lat?


Why am I doing this... cos Oruxmaps is best app ever for walking!

I think my problem exists with the image size 'img_height="200" img_width="200"' can you have any thing other than 512 sized tiles?