Multitrack more info about friends position....

Started by Micboule, July 23, 2015, 02:40:09 PM

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Is there a way to show more informations with friends who is multitracking with me?

What I'd like to see just beside the friend icon in the map is not only his name but also the possibility to see his heartrate monitor, speed, max speed, cadence, etc....

Maybe it's already something we can do?

Thanks for the nice app! I like it very much, specially the multitracking with friends.




This is a nice idea if multitracking works...

I would be very happy if there is one more option:

To see in a table the ranked distances of my multitracking partners and the estimated meeting time (if we will continue in the actual / speed of the last minutes).

Thank you so much for this greate and free APP,

oruxbayer  ;)


Quote from: "oruxbayer"This is a nice idea if multitracking works...

oruxbayer  ;)

Thanks for your comment!  :)